《沉默的羔羊》英文版名字是the silence of the lambs 作者thomas harris
as part of the search for a serial murderer nicknames "buffalo bill," fbi trainee clarice starling is given an assignment. she must visit a man confined to a high-security facility for the criminally insane and interview him.that man, dr. hannibal lecter, is a former psychiatrist with unusual tastes and an intense curiosity about the darker corners of the mind. his intimate understanding of the killer and of clarice herself form the core of thomas harris' the silence of the lambs--an unforgettable classic of suspense fiction.
《沉默的羔羊》主人公史达琳,年轻娇小却冷静聪慧,意志坚定,她从上司那儿接受了缉拿性变态杀人犯“野牛比尔”的任务。为了了解案犯的心理,她向邪恶的天才莱克特医生寻找线索,与这个残忍的杀人犯展开殊死捕斗…… 无论是小说版还是电影版,本书的精华在于莱克特和史达琳的交锋,一方是邪恶的诸葛亮,另一方是初出茅庐的刘备,他们的反差非常大,渗透到性别、年龄、个性、为人处世各个层面,这为他俩的互相利用创造了绝妙的条件。小说的主要人物并不多,除史达琳外,就是莱克特、克劳福德和“野牛比尔”。塑造得最成功的是莱克特。他几乎一直被囚在精神病院里,后来虽然挪到了孟菲斯,但依然是困兽一样地囚着。