英文版—动物们:打架不好,特别不好! -k8凯发天生赢家


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animals in beijing zoo fight after 
witnessing tourists’ tussle

animals in a zoo in beijing have amused the public on sunday for following suit and fight with each other after witnessing tourists' fight, which is believed to be their first time to see humans fighting.


the tourists were visiting beijing safari park on saturday afternoon, when an argument broke out, which later escalated into swearing and fighting, according to a video released by beijing daily on chinese social platform sina weibo.

  • safari park · 野生动物园a park in which wild animals move around freely and are watched by visitors from their cars

  • escalate /'eskəleɪt/ (使)〔战斗、暴力或不好的情况〕升级; (使)恶化:fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse,举个例子:•her fear was escalating into panic.她的害怕逐渐变成了惊慌•the fighting on the border is escalating.边境地区的战斗在不断升级。


  • swearing · 诅咒语;骂人的话;脏话:rude or offensive language,比如说:i was shocked at the swearing. 我听到这脏话很震惊。

"they shouted at each other, tore at each other and many tourists and animals were watching. the two sides reached a settlement after mediation," reads a reply from the park authority on its official wechat account on sunday.

  • mediation /miːdɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n/ 表示· 调停;调解,它的动词形式位mediate,英英释义为:to try to end a quarrel between two people, groups, countries etc,举个例子:my mom was the one who mediated between zelda and her mom.我妈妈充当了泽尔达和她妈妈之间的调解人。

in the video posted online, men and women were on the ground, kicking and pulling at each other's hair. a woman with a baby in her arms also came forward and kicked another woman lying on the ground and tore her hair. soon after, the woman with the baby was kicked from behind by a man, and both of the woman and the baby fell to the ground.


insiders said that the animals near the fighting site were impressed by the event as it was the first time they've ever seen a fight between humans. in the evening, some animals followed suit in their own animal houses and started fighting, the scene was out of control, according to the reply.


【表达积累】follow suit效仿,跟着做。举个例子:

•budget companies have been so successful that other airlines have had to follow suit and lower their fares.廉价航空公司很成功,其他航空公司只得仿效,降低票价。



on longer routes, new seats that turned into fully flat beds were a game-changer. these were originally introduced by ba in first class in 1995, and much sought after. if travellers can sleep comfortably in the sky, they can save the cost of a hotel or, more importantly for time-pressed corporate warriors, a day’s working time. however, in 2000 ba launched a similar seat in business, and most carriers have followed suit.


比如说手机行业每当有厂商开始“搞事情”,出了新功能,要不了多久其他厂商也会马上“安排上”,我们就可说是 follow suit.

"under the patient education of the keeper, [we believe] animals knew that fighting was not good," the park noted, implying that it was not good for tourists to fight in the zoo. 


the incident has amused many chinese netizens. "high-quality human beings even made animals laugh," said a netizen. "it's their turn for the animals to enjoy a circus," said another.


最后编辑于:2021/12/19 拔丝英语网


