华盛顿邮报 | 符建涛被拐多年后仍记得人贩子,真的有“超级人脸识别者” -k8凯发天生赢家

"society operates under the assumption that everybody is about the same at recognizing faces, and that everyone sees the world in the same way," says richard russell, an author of a 2009 paper that first described the existence of super-recognizers. "that simply is not true."
“社会的运作基于这样的假设:每个人辨认人脸的能力都差不多,大家的世界观相同,”理查德·罗素说道,“但事实并非如此。”罗素于 2009 年发表了一篇论文,首次描述了“超级人脸识别者”。
you simply must see the play. 那出戏你真得看看。
the view is simply wonderful! 景色美极了! 
好久不见,在口语中,我们可能会说long time no see. 学会simply之后,可以用这个副词修饰句子: 
i haven't seen you for simply ages. 
under the assumption that... 这里就是一个同位语从句,that后面的内容是the assumption的同位语。很多时候,我们可能会把强调句和同位语从句混淆,都是跟在名词后的从句。那么如何区分二者呢?
强调句的it is/was... that...只是一个固定框架,起强调作用,如果去掉这个框架,剩下的句子表达依然是完整的,比如:
it is not only in public ways, but in private life equally, that wisdom is needed. 不仅在公共场合中,在私人生活中同样需要智慧。
not only... but 为强调部分,正常语序是wisdom is needed not only in... but in... 去掉it is that这个框架之后,句子在语法上依然成立,那么这就是强调句。



super-recognizers never forget a face. they need to focus on it only once to instantly recognize it again. most super-recognizers can recall a face even years later whether in person or in a photo. moreover, during this pandemic time of widespread mask-wearing, they can recognize people from their eyes alone.
"for a never-before-seen face shown as an image, the average person derives a snapshot-like representation, while super-recognizers automatically get an idea of what that person's face looks like from other angles," says meike ramon, who heads the applied face cognition lab in switzerland.
瑞士人脸识别应用实验室的负责人梅克·拉蒙 (meike ramon) 表示:“对于一张从未见过的人脸图片,普通人会产生一种类似快照的大致印象,而超级人脸识别者自然而然地就会知道这张脸从其他角度看起来是什么样子。”

-like作后缀,表示“像…似的,有…特征的(used after a noun to say that something is similar to or typical of the noun)”

a jelly-like substance 果冻状的物质

和这个词缀意思相近的比如:-esque,这个后缀表示似……的,……式的。比如:bill gates-esque story of success 比尔盖茨式的成功故事

现学现卖一下,抖音,可以这样写:douyin, china’s tiktok-esque app.

never-before-seen,这种复合形容词做定语, 有什么规则可循吗?就这个词本身而言,这是句式复合形容词作定语,如: 
the do-what-you-can-and-take-what-you-need policy 各尽所能,按需分配的政策
a never-to-be-forgotten day 永远不会忘记的日子 
the still-to-be-discovered elements 有待发现的元素 
a damned-if-they-do-and-damned-if-they-don’t choice 做也见鬼、不做也见鬼的选择 
a wrapping-up-and-throwing-away gesture 一个包起来扔掉的手势


head作动词时,有“带领、领导”之意,及物动词,to lead or be in charge of sth 领导;主管
she has been appointed to head the research team. 她受命领导研究小组
也可以用head sth. up
super-recognizers show greater electrophysiological activity when processing recognition, meaning their brains show bursts of electrical activity sometimes stronger than that of controls. the skill is so brain-dependent that one super-recognizer, after suffering a debilitating stroke, lost his super-recognizing ability.
burst名词的用法很灵活,可以表示情感/能量/情绪的迸发,比如:a sudden burst of activity/energy/anger/enthusiasm
说一个人跑得气喘吁吁、呼吸急促,可以是breathe in short bursts
我们常常自嘲说,间歇性自律、持续性废柴,这个间歇性自律,可以理解为工作干劲是一阵阵的,work in bursts
再比如我们去听脱口秀、演讲,观众不时发出阵阵掌声,spotaneous bursts of applause
regardless of the scientific underpinnings, super-recognizer skills proved invaluable during riots that erupted in london and other english cities in august 2011 — better than software.
且不管这背后有何科学依据,至少在 2011 年 8 月伦敦和其他英格兰城市爆发骚乱的时候,超级人脸识别能力发挥了重要作用——比人脸识别软件更强。
underpinning,基础, ...the economic underpinning of ancient mexican society. 
这个词是由动词underpin派生而来的:the report is underpinned by extensive research. 这份报告以广泛的研究为基础。
josh davis, professor at the university of greenwich in london, and a super-recognizer expert, says about 20 super-recognizers identified an estimated 600 suspects responsible for the destruction by sifting through thousands of closed circuit television images.
伦敦格林威治大学教授、超级人脸识别者研究专家乔什·戴维斯 (josh davis) 表示,在仔细审查了数千份闭路电视监控后, 20 名左右超级人脸识别者辨认出了约 600 名参与破坏的嫌疑犯。
sift through: to examine sth very carefully in order to decide what is important or useful or to find sth important 细查;详审
[ vn]we will sift every scrap of evidence. 我们将细查每一点证据。 
[ v]crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft. 调查坠机事件的专家一直在仔细检查飞机残骸。
sift out
(1) to remove sth that you do not want from a substance by putting it through a sieve 筛除;筛去
put the flour through a sieve to sift out the lumps. 把面粉过筛,除去面块。
(2) to separate sth, usually sth you do not want, from a group of things 剔除;淘汰
we need to sift out the applications that have no chance of succeeding. 我们需要剔出那些成功无望的申请。
但是如果sift是及物动词,sift sth. out from sth.: to separate sth from a group of things 区分;挑选;精选
she looked quickly through the papers, sifting out from the pile anything that looked interesting. 她很快地翻了一下那摞文件,把所有看着有趣的东西都拣了出来。



via 自由翻译日记

最后编辑于:2021/12/19 拔丝英语网


