复习nse4.2 -k8凯发天生赢家

todd's shirt is dirty.

anya asks khae "do you have coffee?"

khae says " yes."

but coffee is not good.


marco, anya and khae are in the office.

it's in the morning.

anya needs help.

some things are on the floor.

khae and marco are helping anya.


khae is an engineer.

marco is a businessman.


retired / rɪˈtaɪəd / 退休

what is your nationality?                   i am ………………………………..

what is your first name?                   my name is …………………………….

what is your surname?                     my surname is ……………………………

what is your address?                      my address is …………………………………..

what city do you live in?                   i live in ………………………………..

what country are you from?              i am from …………………………….

what is your job?/what do you do?   i am a ……………………………


最后编辑于:2022/8/17 拔丝英语网


