


even as the united states has a near-record number of job openings and companies complain they can't find enough workers, some job seekers remain frustrated that they have not been able to get a job despite filling out dozens of applications daily on popular job sites like ziprecruiter, indeed, linkedin and craigslist.




译者将even as理解为“尽管”,这其实是和even though搞混了,even as的含义应该是“与此同时,恰好在……的时候”,比如:even as she said this, she knew it was not quite true. 就在她说这个的时候,她知道自己说的并非全是真的。




even是一个我们经常会用到的词,但要用好它并不容易,关于even的一些搭配容易被用错和用混。比如很多同学会将“虽然……但是……”照搬到英文,写出这样的句子:even though he is 24 now, but he is still like a little child.


句子中even though…but…这样的用法是错误的。这是因为but是连词,but引导的句子是一个并列句中的分句,而even though也是连词,它引导的是一个让步从句。也就是说在even though... but...的结构中,是一个让步从句搭配一个并列句的分句(用并列连词引入),没有主句,因而根本构不成一个句子。




需要注意的是,even though…still…这样的结构是正确的,因为still是一个副词,而不是连词,不会造成缺少主句的情况。比如:


(1) even though we’re completely different, we’re still great friends.


(1) even though there are great savings to be made, the potential user still needs to be educated in the economics of the marketplace.


同时,even单独使用的时候是一个副词,而不是连词,因此不能直接用even来引导一个从句,应该用even if/though/when,比如我们不能说:even it’s raining, we go for a walk every day. 而应该说:even if it’s raining, we go for a walk every day.


even在使用的时候词序也值得注意,它通常用于助动词或情态动词之后,比如我们应该说:they may even give you a lift in their van. 而不能说:they even may give you a lift in their van.




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最后编辑于:2022/2/6 拔丝英语网


