王力宏李靓蕾离婚刷屏,收下这波离婚有关的双语术语 -k8凯发天生赢家







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supreme people's court (spc) 最高人民法院

judicial explanation 司法解释

a house registered under one's name 在某人名字下登记的房产

personal property 个人财产

house property ownership certificate 房产证

houses bought on mortgage by one party before the marriage 一方婚前按揭购房

joint estate/common wealth/mutual property 共同财产

mortgage payments 房屋贷款

value appreciation 增值

trial courts 初审法院

custody and alimony disputes 监护和赡养费纠纷

paternity test 亲子鉴定

marriage certificate 结婚证

marriage law 婚姻法

pre-marital property 婚前财产

down payment 首付

marital partner 婚姻伴侣

compensation 补偿金

prenuptial agreement 婚前协议

jointly possessed 共同所有

earnings from production and operation 生产、经营的收益

earnings from intellectual property rights 知识产权的收益

children born out of wedlock 非婚生子女

divorce cost 离婚成本

division of property 财产分割

separate possession 各自所有

partly joint possession 部分共同所有

maintenance payments 扶养费

marriage registration office 婚姻登记机关

divorce certificate 离婚证

divorce proceeding 离婚诉讼

divorce settlement 离婚协议书

forges debts 伪造债务

upbringing payment 抚养费

support payment 赡养费

divorce calculator 离婚计算器

crime of disrupting marriage and the family 妨害他人婚姻家庭罪



包办婚姻arranged marriage

财产分割partition; dismemberment of property


独生子女only child

法律婚legal marriage

非婚生子女illegitimate child

夫妻共同财产community property

夫妻关系conjugal relationship

夫妻分居divorce a mensa et thoro; divorce from bed and board

复婚resumption of marriage


婚后财产公证notarization of postnuptial properties

婚姻登记marriage registration

婚生子女children born in wedlock; ligitimate child

计划生育birth control



买卖婚姻mercenary marriage

拟制血亲blood relations in fiction of law

旁系血亲collateral relation blood relation

涉外婚姻marriage with foreign elements


事实婚姻de facto marriage

诉讼离婚divorce by litigation

探视权visitation right


晚婚late marriage

无效婚姻void marriage

协议离婚divorce by agreement


早婚early marriage

直系血亲lineal descent

自然血亲natural blood relation

收养法adoption law

收养协议adoption agreement

收养人adoptive parent

送养人person or institution placing out a child for adoption

涉外收养adoption with foreign elements

继承法inheritance law; law of succession

法定继承legal succession

遗嘱继承intestate succession

遗赠继承succession by devise

自然继承natural succession

代位继承representation; succession by subrogation

世袭继承hereditary succession

间接继承indirect succession


共同继承joint succession

单独继承single succession

继承人heir; successor

第二顺序继承人successor second in order

第一顺序继承人successor first in order

继承参与人succession participant

遗产inheritance; heritage

遗产继承人heir to property; inheritor

遗言last will and testament

遗书last words

遗赠bequest; legacy; devise

遗赠抚养协议legacy-support agreement

via 译匠

最后编辑于:2021/12/19 拔丝英语网


