深圳德资企业招聘 germany company recruiting for various positions -k8凯发天生赢家


faytech tech. co., ltd. looks for talents for various positions.


company profile k8凯发天生赢家的介绍

faytech has its roots in germany. arne weber, the founding manager of faytech, started to develop and market electronic devices in 2001. later in 2006, the today called faytech ag started to import touch displays in germany. within three years, the german corporation became the leading touch device supplier in germany in this niche. in 2009, the management team moved to shenzhen to start its own production facility in china and right after, faytech tech. co., ltd. was founded. in 2010, faytech began to produce touch pcs in its own factory for the first time. today all offered touch devices are solely designed and manufactured by faytech.

飞帆泰根植于德国。早在2001年,公司创始人arne weber先生已经开始开发与经销电子设备。2006年,今日fayech ag的前身已经开始在德国进口触摸屏显示器。3年时间,飞帆泰公司在德国成为此细分领域的领军供应商。2009年,管理团队将公司搬迁至深圳开始在中国的自主生产,深圳市飞帆泰科技有限公司正式成立。2010年,飞帆泰开始自主生产触摸一体机。时至今日,所有销售的触摸设备都由飞帆泰自主设计、制造。

position 1:

research and development manager 


job descriptions 岗位要求

1. a technical bachelor/master degree, preferably within electronics, mechanics or related majors.

2. 5 years working experience in r&d group, preferably min 3 years in a manager position.

3. strong proven experience of project management preferably working as project leader for complex projects.

4. familiar with quality management systems iso 9001/ iatf 16949.

5. excellent communication skills in english, both written and oral.

1. 理工科专业背景,学士/硕士学位,电子、机械或相关专业优先。

2. 在研发团队工作5年以上,3年经理岗位工作经验。

3. 项目管理经验丰富,成功担任过复杂项目的项目负责人。

4. 熟悉质量管理系统 iso 9001/ iatf 16949。

5. 优秀的英语沟通技巧,包括书面和口语。

job responsibilities 岗位职责

1. management of r&d group, set up and follow kpi for r&d group.

2. maintain the implementation of iso9001/iatf16949 quality system in the department and provide technical training and guidance to the r&d group.

3. participating management meetings.

4. overtaking discussion with other departments managers.

1. 管理研发组,为研发组设置并跟踪 kpi实施情况。

2. 执行iso9001/iatf16949质量管理体系,为研发团队提供技术培训和指导。

3. 参加管理会议。

4. 跨部门沟通与合作。

working environment 工作环境

1. nov. 2021, full-time。

2. international office culture

3. salary:20-30k per month

1. 2021年11月,全职

2. 国际化工作环境

3. 薪资待遇20-30k

position 2:

assistant r&d engineer


job descriptions 岗位要求

1.  bachelor degree or above, major in electronics, machinery, industry or related, good written english, fluent oral english is preferred;

2.  familiar with electronic or structural technology, able to evaluate product design, cost, quality and process;

3.  familiar with new product development process and system (iso, ts16949);

4.  good communication, organization, coordination skills and team spirit;

5.  strong sense of objectives, emergency management, risk prediction, promotion and management ability;

6.  proficient in project management, have a clear understanding of project scope, process, schedule, cost, quality, risk points and other management methods and successful application experience;

7.  good character, initiative, honesty and prudence.

1. 本科及以上学历,电子、机械、工业等相关专业,书面英语良好,口语流利者优先考虑 ;

2. 熟悉电子或结构技术,能评估产品设计、成本、品质、工艺;

3. 熟悉新产品开发流程,熟悉体系(iso、ts16949);

4. 具有良好的沟通、组织、协调能力和团队精神;

5. 具有强烈的目标意识、突发处理、风险预判和推动及管理能力;

6. 熟练项目管理,对项目范围、流程、进度、费用、质量、风险点等管理方法有清晰的认识和成功         应用、经验; 


job responsibilities 岗位职责

1.  responsible for making annual and monthly work plans for improvement and adjustment of existing products and development of new products, organizing and supervising them carefully to ensure timely completion;

2.  responsible for reviewing and formulating technical indicators such as process flow, processing standards and raw and auxiliary materials procurement inspection standards of each project product, organizing and guiding product development and pilot and pilot tests; to examine and verify or prepare product test reports and final product acceptance reports and report to relevant departments;

3.  responsible for new material proofing and follow-up;

4.  responsible for the summary of problems and improvement measures of leading prototype trial production;

5.  led the project output meeting;

6.  complete other tasks assigned by company leaders.

1. 负责制定现有产品的改进、调整,新产品开发等(年度、月)工作计划,认真进行组织与监督,确保按时完成;

2. 负责审核制定各项目产品的工艺流程、加工标准及原辅料采购检验标准等各项技术指标, 组织并指导产品的研制与小试、中试,审核或拟制产品试验报告、产品定型验收报告,上报有关部门;

3. 负责新物料打样跟进;

4. 负责主导样机试制问题点的汇总和改善措施;

5. 负责主导项目输出会议;


working environment 工作环境

1、nov. 2021, full-time。

2、international office culture

3、salary:10-15k per month




position 3:

purchasing manager 


job descriptions 岗位要求

1. at least 5 years working experience as purchasing manager (at least 3 years working experience as purchasing manager in manufacturing industry).

2. strong principle, flexible and strong leadership.

3. familiar with procurement process, good communication skills, negotiation skills and cost awareness.

4. familiar with electronic, plastic, hardware, packaging materials procurement knowledge.

5. good command of spoken and written english.

1. 5年以上采购经理工作经验,(其中最少3年以上制造业采购经理工作经验);

2. 原则性强,灵活应变,较强的领导力;

3. 熟悉采购流程,良好的沟通能力、谈判能力和成本意识;

4. 熟悉电子、塑胶、五金、包材类采购知识;

5. 英语听说读写流利。

job responsibilities 岗位职责

1. department construction and management.

2. establish and optimize the process of the procurement department. establish clear and easy-to-use departmental processes, and constantly improve and optimize business processes.

3. departmental budget and performance indicators are up to standard. formulate annual department budget and complete department performance evaluation indicators;

4. construction and management of supplier system.

5. procurement and delivery management.

6. procurement cost management.

7. supplier management.

8. procurement data management.

9. cross departmental communication and cooperation.

10. deal with all kinds of sudden abnormal problems.

1. 部门建设和管理。负责团队的建设、培训及考核。宣导采购道德规范、职业操守。培养采购人员业务能力,实现部门人岗匹配,关键岗位人员留存;

2. 采购部流程建立与优化。建立清晰好用的部门流程,不断完善优化业务流程;

3. 部门预算与绩效指标达标。制定年度部门预算,完成部门绩效考核指标;

4. 供应商体系的建设和管理。建立稳定而可靠的供应商体系,整合优化供应商资源。定期对供应商进行绩效考核;

5. 采购交付管理。保证物料采购顺利实施,做到交货及时,质量稳定;

6. 采购成本管理。配合资源开发进行年度降本谈判,了解原材料的市场价格变化趋势,及时进行原材料价格风险预警;

7. 供应商管理。负责维护与发展供应商关系,建立长期、稳定的供应商合作关系;

8. 采购数据管理。确保采购订单,采购付款,客供物料库存,不良品退货等账目清晰准确;

9. 跨部门沟通与协作。协调部门与团队成员完成跨部门工作;

10. 处理各类突发异常问题。

working environment工作环境

1. nov. 2021, full-time。

2. international office culture

3. salary:12-16k per month

1. 2021年11月,全职

2. 国际化工作环境

3. 薪资待遇12-16k

position 4:

procurement engineer


job descriptions 岗位要求

1.  familiar with electronic materials, and related supplier development experience is preferred;

2.  familiar with all kinds of wire, screen and other specifications, and have relevant development experience is preferred;

3.  rich experience in communication, coordination and bargaining;

4.  proficient in english, can be used as the working language;

1. 熟悉各类电子物料,并有相关供应商开发经验优先;

2. 熟悉各类线材、屏类等规格,并有相关开发工作经验优先;

3. 沟通协调及议价经验丰富;

4. 英文精通,可作为工作语言。

job responsibilities 岗位职责

1.  responsible for all kinds of r&d new project material supplier development;

2.  responsible for the development of alternative suppliers for key materials;

3.  responsible for the optimization of the company's problem material suppliers or cost reduction;

1. 负责各类研发、新项目物料供应商开发;

2. 负责公司关键物料备选供应商开发;

3. 负责公司问题物料供应商优化或降低成本。


1. nov. 2021, full-time。

2. international office culture

3. salary:8-12k per month

1. 2021年11月,全职

2. 国际化工作环境

3. 薪资待遇8-12k

position 5:

sales engineer 销售工程师

job descriptions 岗位要求

1. familiar with electronic materials, and related supplier development experience is preferred;

2. familiar with all kinds of wire, screen and other specifications, and have relevant development experience is preferred;

3. rich experience in communication, coordination and bargaining;

4. proficient in english, can be used as the working language;

1. 熟悉各类电子物料,并有相关供应商开发经验优先;

2. 熟悉各类线材、屏类等规格,并有相关开发工作经验优先;

3. 沟通协调及议价经验丰富;

4. 英文精通,可作为工作语言。

job responsibilities 岗位职责

1. responsible for all kinds of r&d new project material supplier development;

2. responsible for the development of alternative suppliers for key materials;

3. responsible for the optimization of the company's problem material suppliers or cost reduction;

1. 负责各类研发、新项目物料供应商开发;

2. 负责公司关键物料备选供应商开发;

3. 负责公司问题物料供应商优化或降低成本。

working environment 工作环境

1. nov. 2021, full-time。

2. international office culture

3. salary:8-12k per month

1. 2021年11月,全职

2. 国际化工作环境

3. 薪资待遇8-12k

position 6

international sales 国际销售

job descriptions 岗位要求

1. university degree or above in international trade or marketing, excellent english in listening, speaking, reading and writing;

2. foreign trade business related working experience, with electronic trade working experience is preferred;

3. strong business sense and negotiation skills, strong development ability;

4. familiar with the development and implementation of marketing and sales process

5. experience in a similar working environment, especially in the touch monitor,touch pc industry, and optical bonding.very good knowledge of touch pc products. include excellent negotiating skills, project management skill. flexible business trips;

6. inexperienced, fresh graduates can start as sales assistant;

1. 国际贸易、市场营销专业大学或以上学历,优秀的英语听说读写能力;

2. 外贸业务相关领域工作经验,具有电子行业外贸工作经验者优先考虑;

3. 很强的商业意识及谈判技巧,开拓能力强;

4. 熟悉市场营销和销售流程的制定与执行;

5. 在工业触控显示器行业中有工作经验,特别是在触摸显示器,触摸pc行业,全贴合方面。优秀的谈判技巧,项目管理技能。能适应出差;

6. 无经验者、应届生可从销售助理做起;

job responsibilities 岗位职责

1. customer follow-up and service support;

2. explore new markets and develop new customers;

3. responsible for the planning and implementation of sales activities in the sales area and the completion of sales tasks;

4. to be responsible for the collection, accumulation, analysis and research of relevant business data, to grasp the market and the marketing management status and trends of the enterprise, and to organize special research;

1. 客户的跟进及凯发k8官方网娱乐官方的服务支持;

2. 开拓新市场,发展新客户;

3. 负责销售区域内销售活动的策划和执行、完成销售任务;

4. 负责有关业务资料的收集、积累、分析、研究,掌握市场和本企业营销管理状况及动向,组织专题调研。

working environment 工作环境

1.nov. 2021, full-time。

2. international office culture

3. salary:6-8k per month

1. 2021年11月,全职

2. 国际化工作环境

3. 薪资待遇6-8k,加提成

contact k8凯发天生赢家的联系方式

applications accepted before 31 dec 2021.


tel: 0755-89580612

有意者请发送简历至邮箱 sandra.lin@faytech.com

最后编辑于:2021/10/24 拔丝英语网


