女子错过航班 冲上停机坪试图拦下飞机 -k8凯发天生赢家

【女子错过航班 冲上停机坪试图拦下飞机】追公交车、追出租车、追摩托车、追自行车,这些都不稀奇,但是你听说过追飞机的吗?据英国《每日邮报》11月19日报道,一女子在印尼巴厘岛机场的在飞机跑道上奔跑,试图追上从巴厘岛飞往雅加达的航班,随后被机场工作的人员制止。

woman desperate not to miss her flight tries to chase plane on the runway before being tackled to the ground by staff in bali

  • video shows woman trying to chase flight from bali to jakarta in indonesia
  • two airport staffmembers are seen restraining her on the tarmac 
  • airline official say she 'broke through guarded boarding gate'

this is the moment one woman desperate to make her flight in indonesia broke through security and tried to run after the plane on the tarmac.

video shows the woman being held back by two airport security staff-members and trying her best to claw her way free.

the incident took place at bali's ngurah rai international airport just before a citilink flight to jakarta was about to take off.

the video showing the incident was shared on twitter and facebook, and went viral in indonesia.

social media users questioned how the woman was able to get past security and onto the tarmac before being caught.

a citilink official confirmed that the woman was late for a 7.10am flight, but defied orders to remain at the gate.

the incident took place at the ngurah rai international airport in bali, indonesia, just before a citilink flight to jakarta was about to take off - without one woman passenger

it is thought she believed she would somehow be allowed onto the plane if she reached it on the runway.

footage shows her being restrained, and eventually it looks like the staff members push her onto the ground.

the woman was removed from the tarmac and booked onto another flight the same afternoon, coconuts.co reports.

最后编辑于:2021/12/19 拔丝英语网


