yes, the term is used quite often by english speakers. ok is also frequently heard. whereas 'ok' can be used in a positive manner ("i saw suzy's husband last night, he is very ok in the looks department"), 'so-so' is almost always used to indicate mediocre or barely tolerable.
the director’s latest film – in which a daughter enters the virtual mind of her serial killer mother – is so-so compared to his earlier efforts
谷歌语料库google books ngram的搜索结果也显示,单词在近年来的使用出现了上升趋势:
so-so is perfect for describing things that fall right in between terrible and spectacular. a basketball season in which your team wins half the games and loses the other half is a so-so season. and a movie book that you didn't hate but wouldn't recommend to all of your friends is also so-so.
单词可以作为形容词使用,比如一个平淡的赛季可以称为a so-so season,一部平庸的电影可以称为a so-so movie,它也可以作为副词使用,比如:i only did so-so in the exam. 我在考试中考得一般。
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