医学英语文件中提到“贫穷”,为什么爱用 deprived,而不是 poor? -k8凯发天生赢家


看 nature communications 文章,讲的是新冠长期症状相关研究,deprivation (deprived) 多次出现,是新冠长期症状的风险因素之一,成功引起了我的注意。

除了“剥夺”之外,deprivation (deprived) 还有“贫困、穷苦”的意思

female sex, increasing age, obesity, smoking, vaping, hospitalisation with covid-19, deprivation, and being a healthcare worker are associated with higher probability of persistent symptoms in rounds 3–5, and asian ethnicity with lower probability.

有意思,“贫困”不是有 poor 么?替换词不是还有 impoverished 等词么?为什么要用 deprived 呢?

从语义上看,poor 更偏向指没有钱财,而 deprived 更偏向于综合条件缺乏,比如收入、工作、健康及教育。

deprivation is the consequence of a lack of income and other resources, which cumulatively can be seen as living in poverty. (pse凯发k8官方网娱乐官方官网)

从构词上看,deprived 是动词的过去分词形式,deprivation 是带有动词意味的名词。

简单粗暴地讲,就是 “被剥夺的”,是持续进行的,而非最终状态。缺乏足够的生活条件,不一定就已经到了贫穷 (poor) 的程度,但贫穷状态肯定是持续缺乏的

而有时候贫困可能也不只是个体主观原因,缺乏必要的生活和生产资料,就容易走向贫困。那么,deprived 也就更多考虑到外界因素了。



《英国医学杂志》(bmj) 综述纳入 30 篇研究社会经济情况与类风湿性关节炎关系的文章,其中 25 篇文章发现两者相关。

英国国家统计局 (office for national statistics) 凯发k8官方网娱乐官方官网称:在英格兰和威尔士,贫困地区因心脏病、慢性呼吸系统疾病和肺癌等原因死亡的人数更多。

所以,poor 和 deprived 是近义词,但又有细微意思差别。“贫困”是多维度的,细分了不同的单词。在提到消除贫困时,官方常将两者并列使用。


1.whitaker, m., elliott, j., chadeau-hyam, m. et al. persistent covid-19 symptoms in a community study of 606,434 people in england. nat commun13, 1957 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29521-z

2.rowley, j., richards, n., carduff, e., & gott, m. (2021). the impact of poverty and deprivation at the end of life: a critical review. palliative care and social practice15, 26323524211033873. https://doi.org/10.1177/26323524211033873

3.public health scotland. (2021, december 24). retrieved september 17, 2022, from healthscotland: http://www.healthscotland.scot/health-inequalities/impact-of-ill-health/impact-of-deprivation-on-health

4. dey m, busby a, elwell h, et al. association between social deprivation and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review. rmd open2022;8:e002058. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2021-002058

5.saul, h., gursul, d., antonelli, m., & steves, c. (2022). frail older people and those in deprived areas remain at risk from covid-19, even after vaccination. bmj (clinical research ed.)378, o1313. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o1313

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最后编辑于:2022/9/25 拔丝英语网


