
how to inspire the pupils to learn?

'how to inspire the pupils to learn?' this is a question gnawing at the hearts and minds of numerous english teachers, especially in remote areas. even as a successful learner, i cannot provide any satisfactory solution to the issue. 
children are born to be different. some are self-driven, some are laid back, and some are between the two. there could be more categories of boys and girls based on their temperaments. 
philosophers have taught us that it is the internal factor that drives one to slog, whilst the external factor just plays the role of pull-and-push. if a boy is born with a passion to learn languages, he will be more than willing to read aloud and recite every text a hundred times without feeling bored. no matter what and how the teachers teach, nothing can stop him from learning and reaching a high level of competence. the external factor is hence negligible in his case.    
for the majority of young learners, however, learning should be interactive games. they are easily bored with learning if it has no fun, no rewards, and no incentives. this implies that a teacher has to design a lot of curricular activities to engage the young learners. 
ms betty xie, based in amoy city, suggested that young learners always expect material rewards and english contests are effective in stimulating their interest. 
ms liu, based in chengdu city, mentioned that her son had made up his mind to learn english well in his first encounter with an american teacher. 
ms zhao, based in tianjin city, proposed that english teachers should give the young learners a sense of achievement so that they will have stronger motivation to learn more. 
ms lily li, based in guilin city, advised that parents' attitude towards english has an impact on the children and that singing could be an efficient approach.  
ms reaya luo, based in nanchang city, has contributed some ideas for reference and consideration:
  1. 根据单元主题安排更贴近学生生活的实践类或者趣味作业,比如英文跳蚤市场,英语对话表演比赛,小组合作调查,制作菜单,根据英文歌词配动作、拍摄视频等。
  2. 学生自行购买 教师提供,班上建立英语图书角。上课前五到十分钟让学生自选书阅读,不考核,尊重学生兴趣。班上可以放个瓶子,学生读完一本书,就写好书名和姓名放进去,奖励时老师随机在里面抽。每周选一节课,全班共读一本书。
  3. 制作单词卡片记单词。可以教师报中文或者英文,学生找相应单词,或者两两pk,小组用目标进行自编故事比赛等。
  4. 每周固定15分钟给学生看英语电视视频。如果平时上课有一个人说话,就扣一分钟,以此类推。
  5. 奖品可以是家长群表扬,现金小红包,老师盖章英文奖状,英文书籍,趣味英文扑克,文具等。



all those teachers mentioned above have done a great job in providing a variety of learning activities to attract the pupils. their practice gives us some inspiration on the possibility to make the classroom teaching more exciting.

moreover, it would be best if the parents could positively respond to the teachers' call for creating an english microenvironment at home. if you are serious about bringing up a bilingual child, then my practice of exposing my son to different languages and cultures may enliven your mind.


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最后编辑于:2022/7/3 拔丝英语网


