9 arrested for beating women who resisted improper advances-k8凯发天生赢家

the last suspect, from the group of nine men involved in assaulting women in tangshan, hebei province on early friday, was captured in the afternoon of saturday in jiangsu province, according to a notice by lubei district branch of tangshan public security bureau.

the captured are suspected of picking quarrels and making trouble as well as violently assaulting others.

investigation is still underway, the notice said.

two of the female victims are now under treatment at a local hospital with stable and non-life threatening injuries, the notice said. injuries of the two other female victims were less serious and not hospitalized.

▲a video screen capture from sina weibo shows several men beat up female customers in a restaurant in tangshan, north china's hebei province on friday.

those assaulting the females will be severely punished in accordance with the law and the action should be swift, according to a conference presided by the city's party chief wu weidong on friday night.

the incident happened in the early hours of friday at a barbecue restaurant when a male customer, surnamed chen, harassed a female customer and hit her after she resisted. chen's companions later joined in, beating the female and her female companies.

videos online showed the beating was cruel, the female customer was wrestled to the ground and then hit by several men at the same time.

the suspects escaped after the accident. police in tangshan started the manhunt immediately after receiving a report about the accident.

the police sent personnel to other provinces to hunt down another four who were also involved in the case but are not local hebei residents.

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最后编辑于:2022/6/11 拔丝英语网


