



it all started when my dad brought home a very big surprise -which was actually a very little surprise. “ta-da!” he announced pulling a sheet off a cage, magician-style. “meet mr. nibbles!”

“a hamster (仓鼠)!” i cheered.

“he’s so cute,” said tex. “hello, mr. nibbles, i already love you so much.” tex whispered. seeing how we reacted, dad smiled, “well, congratulations, mr. nibbles. you have found yourself a new home!”

it took a few weeks for our fuzzy(毛茸茸的) friend to get comfortable. at first he poked (探出) his head out of his cage only to take a sip of water and fill his cheeks with food. but once he got settled in, he was happy and playful. he sometimes slid away from the cage, and even begged for food, making a hissing(嘶嘶声的) sound as if saying thanks. having mr. nibble’s around made our summer much more fun.

before we knew it, it was time to go back to school. i was excited to see friends i hadn’t seen in a really long time, but, to be honest, i was also nervous about all the new stuff. that’s why i made sure i was extra prepared. my plan was to wake up early, put on my carefully laid-out clothes, can my carefully chosen breakfast, and place my thought-out lunch in my carefully arranged backpack then i’d ride my carefully cleaned bike to school and enter my brand-new classroom. hopefully preparing ahead of time could make me feel calmer going into the back-to-school day!

everything went according to plan -until, well, it didn’t. my new teacher, mr. jax, who seemed very serious, started out by going over the class rules. then he asked each of us to say a quick something about our summer vacation. most kids seemed pretty shy after being apart for a while and said only a few words. soon it would be my turn.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

paragraph 1

suddenly i heard a familiar hissing sound coming from my backpack.


paragraph 2:

now everybody was looking at me!



it took a few weeks for our ________________ (毛茸茸的) friend to get comfortable. at first he ________________ (探出) his head out of his cage ________________________________ (小口喝水)water and fill his cheeks with food. but once he___________________ (安顿下来), he was happy and ______________ (玩得开心). he sometimes ______________________ (偷偷地跑掉)from the cage, and even begged for food, _________________________________(发出嘶嘶的声音,好像在说感谢). having mr. nibble’s around made our summer much more fun.


i was excited to see friends i hadn’t seen in a really long time, but to be honest, i was also nervous about all the new stuff. that’s why i made sure i was __________________ (充足的准备) . my plan was to wake up early, put on ________________________________(精心整理好的)  my clothes, can my carefully chosen breakfast, and place my __________________ (慎重考虑的) lunch in my carefully arranged backpack then i’d ride my carefully cleaned bike to school and enter my ______________ (崭新的) classroom. hopefully ______________________(提前准备好) could make me feel calmer going into the back-to-school day!



my new teacher, mr. jax, who seemed very serious, started out by ________________ (复习) the class rules. then he asked each of us to ___________________ (简单说些) about our summer vacation. most kids seemed pretty shy _________________________ (分开一段时间后) and said only a few words. soon it would be my turn.


suddenly i heard a familiar hissing sound coming from my backpack. was it the sound of my hamster? i unzipped my backpack — and very quickly zipped it back up again. there he was! what if he wasn’t ok? what if i got into trouble when the teacher found out? my heart started beating super fast. this was definitely not how my first day back at school was supposed to go! just then, mr jax asked me, “arizona, are you all right? would you like to share?”

now everybody was looking at me! taking some low, slow breaths, i began to talk about my summer with mr. nibbles and explained what was going on. after hearing me out, mr. jax said softly, “why don’t you introduce mr. nibbles to us all?” his words were met with cheers and applause from my classmates. gingerly, i cupped the little playful creature out of my backpack. all kids gathered around, petting our fuzzy friend, talking and laughing. that’s how my back-to-school day turned out.




本次续写试题来源杂志highlights for children 2021年9月专栏 ask arizona。这个杂志主要是通过分享一个故事,给来信寻求帮助的同学分享一些建议和方法。故事有趣,好玩,生动,是续写的好材料。《英语沙龙》杂志每一期也有一篇ask arizona的文章,大家可以去看。后面我读到有趣的文章也会和大家分享。






本文由拔丝英语网 - buzzrecipe.com(精选英语文章 课程)收藏,供学习使用,分享转发是更大的支持!由 舒米勒原创,k8凯发天生赢家的版权归原作者所有。

最后编辑于:2022/5/19 拔丝英语网


