no shit! 不是很明显么(意思 例句 用法) -k8凯发天生赢家

看美剧 west world 第三季第2集的时候,bernard无意中发现了stubbs,惊叹于对方竟然也是机器人,而且竟然还活着。不过stubbs因为受了重伤,说话总是一顿一顿的。

这里的no shit 起到了一种“大喘气”的效果,就像是当bernard说“你是他们中的一员”时,stubbs说“不不不不”,但是结果说的是“不是很明显吗?”。

其实使用no shit也就是在表达一种“见怪不怪”的态度。接下来看看英语中关于这个词组的解释。

something someone said that comes with no surprise and usually a waste of time.
retard: dude, bob got put in juvenile for fighting the teacher.
me: no shit, we already heard about that, what u think we live in a fucking cave??????

a quick and witty come back to some who states the obvious
woman behind a burger van: do you want a cheese burger? its the same as a normal burger but with cheese on

guy picking his food: no shit 废话

最后编辑于:2022/5/1 拔丝英语网


