我将从四个模块梳理reuters、south china morning post等英文媒体相关报道。
1. 如何表达“击败”
2. 如何表达“逆转”
3. 如何表达“夺冠”
4. 关于网民评论
同学们应该已经熟悉使用“beat”来表达“击败”或者“打赢”, 我再从近日afc women's asian cup相关报道中, 挑选四处摘录, 供同学们参考积累。
常见词“down”可以用来表示“(在比赛中) 打败, 击败, 战胜” (to defeat someone, especially in sport), 其中关联可参考该单词表示“击倒”、“使倒下”的用法, 来看两个例子:
… downed his opponent in the first round. 在第一回合中击倒对手
the yankees downed the red sox 7–0. 扬基队以7-0的比分打败了红袜队。
短语“knock out”此处表意原理与前文的down相通, 除可表示“击倒 (使失去意识)” (to make someone unconscious), 也可由此表示“(比赛中) 击败 (使淘汰)” (to make someone leave a competition by defeating them), 来看两个例子:
he hit me and nearly knocked me out. 他打了我, 差点把我打晕。
england had been knocked out of the world cup by west germany. 英格兰队在世界杯比赛中被西德队淘汰。
此处“showdown”也可积累下来, 原本为纸牌术语, 表示“摊牌”, 也就是在决胜局中把手里的牌亮出来比大小, 继而拓展表示“一决胜负 (来了结冲突)”的含义。摘录中“a final showdown with south korea”指的就是“与韩国队在决赛一拼胜负”, 再来看一个生动示例:
the chinese leader backed russia in its showdown with the west over ukraine (中国领导人支持俄罗斯在乌克兰问题上与西方放手一搏) —— the new york times
此处涉及一个足球术语“to hand a team a defeat”, 指的就是“击败某支球队”。
短语“see off”除可表示“送别” (say goodbye) 相关含义, 也可在体育术语中表示“击败对手” (in sports, to defeat one's opponent), 再来看一个例子:
man united managed to see off man city with a dramatic 3–2 victory. 曼联戏剧性地以3比2大胜曼城。
同学们可以使用习惯用语“make/stage a comeback”来表达中国女足“逆转”韩国夺冠, 比如这么一处摘录:
习语“make/stage a comeback”可以参考汉语中的“东山再起”和“卷土重来”理解, 表示“经历劣势之后的再度崛起”, 比如用来描述艺人或者款式等“再度走红” (if a person, activity, style etc makes a comeback, they become popular again after being unpopular for a long time), 或者如此处用以描述“竞争中逆转劣势” (to overcome a deficit in a sport, game, election, or other contest),
she's trying to make a comeback with her first album for 20 years. 她想凭借自己20年来的第一张专辑东山再起。
the miniskirt made a comeback in the late 1980s. 迷你裙在20世纪80年代后期再次流行。
after analysts predicted her campaign was dead in the water two months ago, the candidate appears to be staging an incredible comeback. 分析人士两个月前预测她的竞选活动会一蹶不振, 但这位候选人正在令人难以置信地东山再起。(此处“be dead in the water”也可积累, 表示“沉沦”、“一蹶不振”的含义)
该习语在实际使用中, 也可灵活改写, 比如“achieve a two-goal comeback in 45 minutes” (45分钟内扳回两球), 再比如:
再分享一个相通的习惯用语, 来看这么一处摘录:
习语“come from behind”表示“(比赛中) 成功实现逆转, 后来居上” (to overcome a deficit to win a game or competition), 词义如字面, 不难理解。用法示例再比如:
england came from behind to beat scotland 2–1. 英格兰队成功实现逆转, 以2比1战胜了苏格兰队。
也可积累此处的“riveting”, 表示“非常吸引人的”, 词义程度比较强 (something that is riveting is so interesting or exciting that you cannot stop watching it or listening to it)。
前文提到“down”可以表示在比赛中“击败”, 该单词也可表达“落后”, 摘录中“two goals down”指的就是“落后两分”。
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