


1. alpine skiing高山滑雪

2. biathlon冬季两项

3. bobsleigh雪车

4. cross-country skiing越野滑雪

5. curling冰壶

6. figure skating花样滑冰

7. ice hockey冰球

8. luge雪橇

9. nordic combine北欧两项

10. freestyle aerials自由式滑雪空中技巧

11. freestyle moguls自由式滑雪雪上技巧

12. freestyle ski cross自由式滑雪障碍追逐

13. freeski slopestyle自由式滑雪坡面障碍技巧

14. freeski halfpipe自由式滑雪u型场地技巧

15. freeski big air自由式滑雪大跳台

16. short track speed skating短道速滑

17. skeleton钢架滑雪

18. ski jumping跳台滑雪

19. snowboard parallel giant slalom单板滑雪平行大回转

20. snowboard cross单板滑雪障碍追逐

21. snowboard slopestyle单板滑雪坡面障碍技巧

22. snowboard halfpipe单板滑雪u型场地技巧

23. snowbaord big air单板滑雪大跳台

24. speed skating速度滑冰

level a (适合小学)


maybe curling is the most "quiet, relaxing and easy" event of the olympic winter games. but that only seems. just think how you can control the movement of a flying balloon without touching it.

it is played on an ice field called a sheet. the sheet is over 45 metres long and a maximum of five metres wide.

usually there are four players on each team, but for some special team there are five, --- one is the substitute(替补队员). each player has two stones. but for mixed-doubles and wheelchair evens, the teams are different.

after one player pushes the stone towards the end house, another 2 players mops the sheet with brushes to make the stone go in the wanted direction. they want their stone to reach the button of the end house, in the center of the circle.

1. how many stones are there for a four-player team?
a. six.
b. eight.
c. ten.
level b(适合初中)
curling is a game similar to lawn bowls but played on ice. two teams of four players (given the titles lead, second, third, and skip) participate in a curling match. each player slides round stones, with a handle on the top, across the ice of a rink or a natural ice field toward the tee, or button, which is a fixed mark in the centre of a circle (called the house) marked with concentric bands. the object of the game is for each side to get its stones closest to the centre.
each player delivers two stones alternately with the opponent beginning with the lead of each team and ending with the skip, who is also the team captain. one point is awarded for each stone that comes to rest nearer the tee than does any rival stone. a team can score up to eight points with the 16 stones delivered in an end, or inning, unless no stone is in the house or the nearest opposing stones are equal in distance from the tee, in which case there is no score. blocking and knocking out an opponent’s stones are important strategies of the sport. the usual number of ends in a match is 8 to 12. in international competition a match always consists of 10 ends; ties are broken by the addition of extra ends until a winner emerges.
the use of a brush, or broom, is to sweep the ice in front of the sliding stone. this is a tradition carried over from the days when curling was played outdoors on frozen lakes; it was necessary to clear the snow to provide a path for the oncoming rock. sweeping is still used today on indoor rinks to assure the stone a longer ride. the broom is also used by the curler for balance during delivery of the stone and by the skip to indicate where the curler should aim. 
the players wear a special pair of shoes. one shoe helps them stay on ice and the other helps them slide on ice.

2. which picture is lawn bowls?





3. what's the use of the brush?
(1) to swee the ice in front of the stone

(2) to help the curler keep balance

(3) to help push the wheelchair

(4) to help the sweeper to stand on ice

a. (1) and (2)

b. (1), (2) and (3)

c. (1), (2) and (4)

4. look at the following picture and introduce the sport of curling.


level c(适合高中以上)
(why is it called curling?)

curling first originated in the 16th century in scotland, which makes it one of the oldest team sports in the world. paintings by pieter bruegel the elder dating from about the same time are evidence that the game was also played in the low countries, but it was scotland that promoted the game worldwide. those early games were played on frozen ponds and lochs, using curling stones from the regions of perth and stirling.


in the 1600s, stones with handles were introduced, and in 1838 the grand caledonian curling club (renamed the royal caledonian curling club in 1843) drew up the first official rules of the sport.


the international curling federation was founded there in 1966. 



throughout the 20th century, key developments were made in the sport, including the standardisation of the stone, the development of the slide delivery, and the use of indoor, refrigerated ice facilities.


men's curling was a part of the winter olympics in 1924, but was later dropped before being re-introduced as a demonstration sport in 1932 in lake placid. curling remained a demonstration sport at the games between 1936 and 1992, until it finally re-joined the olympic programme at nagano in 1998 with both men's and women's competitions. the mixed doubles competition was added to the programme at the 2018 pyeongchang winter olympics.


canada is the most successful curling nation in winter olympic history with 11 medals, including six golds. sweden is second in the table with eight medals. no athlete has won more than two medals competing in curling at the games, which isn't suprising given that the sport has only featured at eight editions of the winter olympics.


5. what does "given that" mean?

a. providing that

b. considering that

c. except that

6. gather information from the internet and analyze the reasons why russia was not among the most successful nations of curling.


1. b
2. c
3. a
4. (omitted)
5. b
6. (omitted)

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