共享经济有利还是有弊? |《经济学人》写作素材 -k8凯发天生赢家



it is not hard to find evidence of the success of the “sharing economy”, in which people rent beds, cars and other underused assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet.


第一段通过success指出了共享经济的成功之处,并以定义的方式给出了共享经济的优点。1.people rent beds, cars;2.underused assets directly from each other;3.co-ordinated via the internet.


the newcomers’ opponents, whether competitors, officials or worried citizens, complain that the likes of airbnb and lyft dodge the rules and taxes that apply to conventional businesses.  


第二段一开始通过opponent引出了反对者的意见,理由dodge the rules and taxes that apply to conventional businesses.  


the objectors have half a point. taxes must be paid: a property-owner who rents a room should declare the income, just as a hotel should. safety is also a concern: people want some assurance that once they bed down for the night or get into a stranger’s car they will not be attacked or ripped off. zoning and planning are also an issue: peace-loving citizens may well object if the house next door becomes a hotel.


第三段肯定了反对者意见的理由,出于三方面考虑:1. taxes must be paid;2.safety is also a concern;3.zoning and planning are also an issue.


sharing-economy firms are trying to mitigate  these problems. they have tightened insurance cover for their drivers and have offered to collect hotel taxes. they have an interest in their participants’ good behavior: as hosts, guests, drivers and passengers all rate each other online, their need to protect their reputation helps to maintain standards and keep people honest. but if consumers want to go for the cheaper, less-regulated service, they should be allowed to do so.


第四段则是作者对共享经济企业在解决上述反对者三方面问题提出的采取措施,具体包括:1.tightened insurance cover for their drivers and have offered to collect hotel taxes;2.as hosts, guests, drivers and passengers all rate each other online.


this all argues for adaptation, not prohibition. an unlikely pioneer is san francisco. lyft and uber got going in the city partly because taxis were hard to find, but the authorities have tolerated them. san francisco bans rentals of less than 30 days, but is considering allowing people to let their residence, provided they live there most of the time, register with the city and pay its 14% hotel tax.



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最后编辑于:2022/1/12 拔丝英语网


