西安孕妇流产事故,外媒怎么说? -k8凯发天生赢家


china has fired medical chiefs after a pregnant woman lost her baby outside a hospital that denied her entry due to covid controls, as officials in the central city of xi’an face scrutiny for their strict lockdown measures. 



deny entry。对于deny, 我们可能只知其一,不知其二。只要稍稍背过单词,就应该学过这个单词表示:否认,否定。但是deny还有一层意思是拒绝给予,拒绝....的要求if you deny someone something that they need or want, you refuse to let them have it. 用法是deny sb sth。例如:he denied himself all pleasures and luxuries.摒弃一切享受和奢华。


lost her baby在其他文章中多数用了miscarry这样一个关键词。它相当于abort,表示流产,小产many women who miscarry eventually have healthy babies.许多曾经小产的女人最终都生下了健康的宝宝。


有些文章也用了它的名词形式miscarriagesuffer搭配:after a woman suffered a miscarriage due to covid-delayed medical attention.


a video circulating online showed an eight-months pregnant woman sitting outside a hospital with blood running down her legs, after she was refused immediate entry into a hospital for not having a valid covid-19 test result.
after feeling pain in her belly, the woman called an ambulance, according to an account from her niece posted tuesday evening on the microblog weibo. without a negative coronavirus test, she had to wait outside emergency care for two hours until staffers relented when they saw that she was bleeding heavily.
the story first broke on tuesday when the woman’s niece took to social media to vent her ire. according to her account (in chinese), her sister-in-law, who was eight months pregnant, called an ambulance on the evening of january 1 after feeling intense pain in her abdomen. but when she arrived at a hospital, she was denied emergency care because the validity of her latest covid-19 test had expired by two hours. 
despite the husband’s pleas, the hospital refused to budge, leaving the woman bleeding profusely outside the facility for two hours. by the time the hospital changed its mind and finally took in the woman, she had waited for four hours and had already miscarried, the niece wrote. 

relent这里是动词,和give in的意思差不多,具体是终于答应;不再拒绝 to finally agree to sth after refusing)。这个词正好对应了上面的deny entry


看到relent就会相当relentless。记住它两个意思,一个是not stopping,中文一般翻译为坚持不懈,比如外刊里的这句话:some argue that the key to east asia’s early growth was an activist state, high investment and a relentless focus on manufactured exports.有些人认为,东亚早期发展的关键在于积极干预的政府、高投资和对出口制造业的不懈坚持


另一个意思是苛刻的,无情的president donald trump is a relentless china-basher. his administration has tried to crush huawei, a telecoms giant, ban tiktok and wechat, two popular chinese-owned apps. 特朗普持续无情地打压中国。他的政府试图压垮电信巨头华为,禁用tiktok和微信这两个流行的中资应用。


bleed heavily流血严重,血流不止


abdomen腹部。再记住两个表示子宫的词:womb, uterus

refuse to budgerelent相反budge本来的意思是挪动,动弹,引申后就变成了不为所动,不改变想法的意思,比如,he won't budge an inch on the issue.在这一点上他丝毫不肯让步


bleeding profuselyprofuse表示众多的,大量的,丰富的,比如不胜感激就是profuse thanks


看一个外刊例句:people are immersed in more and more profuse data, but run short of knowledge. 人们陷入了数据越来越丰富但知识越来越缺乏的困境。


bleed profusely就是血流如注,和bleed heavily一个意思。


the reported tragedy has tapped into mounting anguish and disbelief about dysfunction in xian, the central chinese city of 13 million that has imposed china’s strictest all-resident lockdown since wuhan two years ago. nearly 1,800 symptomatic infections have been confirmed in the city after the local government ordered mass testing and centralized quarantine to halt spread of the virus.

tap into这里的意思是利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等) to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists。貌似这层意思无法和这里想表达的东西相匹配,那么我们来看一个牛津上的例句好了,也是这层意思下的例句,the movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals. 这部电影似乎在激发人们对动物的普遍怜惜之情。 


所以这里tap into我们可以理解为激发,激发(利用)已经有的情感。


当然tap into最常见的意思就是利用,比如说一汽大众就是中国第一汽车集团和德国大众集团合资经营的,这可以让外国品牌更好地开发中国市场,这就可以说:take faw-volkswagen for example, joint venture enables foreign brands to tap into the vast chinese market.




英文中表示痛苦的单词很多,如还有distressagony, misery, torment许多时候互换使用并无大碍,但单词之间痛苦的程度与方式有些许不同,我们稍作辨析。


1. agony 在所有单词中程度最深,表示精神上或肉体上的极度痛苦。


2. distress 多指思想上的压力、紧张、恐惧、忧虑等所引起的精神上的痛苦。比如,aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress好斗行为是情感苦闷的一种表现。


3. anguish多指精神上令人难以忍受的痛苦。程度比distress更深。用于身体时,多指局部或暂时的痛苦。she burst into tears and, clinging to him sobbed in love and anguish她挨紧他坐着,眼泪不断地簌簌下落,因爱和极度痛苦而抽泣着


4. misery 指人生不幸或悲惨的处境引起的痛苦,多含不幸、可怜或悲哀的意味,they have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war. 他们不得不忍受长期生活在战争恐惧中的痛苦


5. torment 多为折磨性的痛苦,即在身体或精神上反复受到折磨而导致的痛苦 my bad tooth was a perpetual torment蛀牙一直折磨着我。




impose lockdown, quarantine, halt spread of the virus都是疫情时候的词汇,挑出来给大家,就不再多做解释。


two hospital department heads were fired and a general manager was suspended, the xi’an government announced in a thursday statement. an investigation that concluded wednesday determined the incident was an “accident caused by negligence,” the release said, and ordered the hospital to compensate and apologize to the woman.
according to xu, the special arrangement involves a helpline assisting callers to find nearby medical resources, a fleet of cars designated for their transportation between hospitals and homes, and fast-track access to medical care for certain high-risk population groups, including pregnant women and those who need procedures like hemodialysis and chemotherapy. for people outside these groups, xu added that hospitals have no right to turn them away as long as they have a negative covid test taken within 48 hours of the visit.







on wednesday, xian authorities said hospitals should provide treatment, and open “green lanes” and hotline services for pregnant women and patients with critical illnesses.

those with covid-19 test results from the past 48 hours could choose their means of transport to hospital, which should not reject patients on the grounds of covid-19 control, while residents in closed-off areas would be sent to designated hospitals with point-to-point transport service, the new directives said.

green lanes绿色通道


critical illnesses critical这里的具体意思是serious, uncertain and possibly dangerous严重的;不稳定的;可能有危险的,比如,the first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical病人手术后头 24 小时是最危险的 one of the victims of the fire remains in a critical condition.大火的一位受害者依然病情危急 


on the grounds of covid-19 control也可以表达成on covid-19 grounds,表示因为...


closed-off areas表示被隔离的地区closed-off封锁的,隔绝的意思。经济学人有一篇文章就用了closed-off来描述盲人的世界“a lot of us have lived a very closed-off life since we were young.” she credits the internet and screen-reading software with connecting her to the world.她承认,我们中许多人从小就过着与外界隔离的生活。她认为是互联网和屏幕阅读软件把她与世界连结了起来。


directive an official instruction指示;命令, the eu has issued a new set of directives on pollution. 欧盟发布了一系列关于污染的新指令



via shelly时事英语精读

最后编辑于:2022/1/7 拔丝英语网


