the menu for a christmas day dinner in britain is distinctive from other countries not in the particulars of its flavours but the rigidity of its formula. the bill of fare these days—turkey, stuffing, pudding—is a legacy of the victorians, particularly charles dickens. the enormous turkey that scrooge sent the cratchit family at the end of "a christmas carol" assured the bird's long-term dominance over other meats such as goose. the family's home-made sage-and-onion stuffing has become the default accompaniment to the meat – and is now produced on an industrial scale. plum pudding, with its flaming brandy cap and holly garnish, became the crowning glory of a british christmas meal and a true marker of identity (one that continues to befuddle many visitors from afar).
the menu for a christmas day dinner in britain is distinctive from other countries not in the particulars of its flavours but the rigidity of its formula.
这句话虽然挺长,但挑出主干来并不复杂,其实说的就是 the menu is distinctive from others not in the particulars of a but b.。这个菜单跟别的不一样,主要不是由于 xxx,而是由于 xxx。
这里的前半部分我们很熟悉。sth. is distinctive from someone else,意思是 a 跟 b 是截然不同的。而且 distinctive 不仅表示不同,还强调是明显不同,means sth. is different and easy to recognize。这里说的是,英国的圣诞菜谱与别国不一样。
而后面跟的 not in the particulars of...,particulars 做复数时的意思是细节,相当于 detail。所以,这里说的是英国圣诞菜谱与各国的不同,主要还不是在于其滋味儿的不同,而是在于 the rigidity of its formula。
formula /ˈfɔːmjələ/ 放在吃饭语境下指的就是食谱,即做某道菜的方法、配方。重点是 formula 前面的名词 rigidity。
rigidity /rɪˈdʒɪdəti/ 这个词表示的是一种严格的遵从。比如,在这个问题上法律的严格,就可以说成 the rigidity of the law on this issue。这个词脱胎于形容词 rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd/,表示严格的,甚至有时候表示固定的,僵化的。
the bill of fare these days—turkey, stuffing, pudding—is a legacy of the victorians, particularly charles dickens.
这里的 bill of fare 是个固定搭配,表示菜谱,菜单,其实就等于前面出现过的 menu,但是前者属于比较老式的用法,正好和后面的 victorians(维多利亚时代的英国人)形成对应。
the enormous turkey that scrooge sent the cratchit family at the end of "a christmas carol" assured the bird's long-term dominance over other meats such as goose.
这句话里隐含了一个文学典故:在狄更斯所著的那本风靡全球、每到圣诞小朋友都必看的小说《圣诞颂歌》(a christmas carol)里,主人公吝啬鬼斯克鲁齐(scrooge)在这本书的结尾给自己的雇员克拉奇(bob cratchit)一家送了一只超级大的火鸡。克拉奇是斯克鲁齐雇佣的员工,非常勤劳、非常友善,但也非常穷。
这里的核心谓语是 assure /əˈʃʊə/ 其实有一种确立或者说使某事必然发生的意味,means make sth. certain to happen。比如,胜券在握就可以叫 victory was now assured.。一本书就奠定了后世圣诞菜谱的基调,足以见得狄更斯的“带货”能力有多强!
遥想 6 年前,很多小伙伴第一次听到“林伯虎”这个名字,正是因为我写了一篇文章《为什么新年快乐叫 happy new year,但圣诞祝福只能用 merry christmas?》。事实上,happy christmas 也没错,而且英国人到今天依然习惯这么用;但是更加风靡世界的 merry christmas 也是出自于狄更斯的这本《圣诞颂歌》。因为在这本书里面用到了 merry christmas 这一句,而后这个祝福被书商做成了贺卡,当做周边到处去卖,结果就卖火了,并且成了年年圣诞贺卡上都有的一句祝福语。
而狄更斯的这本小册子背后也有一段轶事。当时他由于生活拮据,实际上是赶出来了这么一本迎合市场需求的小人书,没想到成了英美家庭可以说一家一本的必备,继而不仅带火了 merry christmas 这句话,也让圣诞节吃火鸡成为了英国人的传统。
the family's home-made sage-and-onion stuffing has become the default accompaniment to the meat — and is now produced on an industrial scale.
accompaniment /əˈkʌmpənimənt/ 可以表示唱歌的时候的伴奏、伴唱,或者干脆叫背景音乐。而在吃的食物旁边摆上的这些 accompaniment 指的就是跟食物一起加工的配菜或者是餐碟里的陪衬。比如,这些饼干很适合配茶吃:these biscuits are a lovely accompaniment to tea.。
而它前面的词 default /dɪˈfɔːlt/ 表示默认值,所以 default accompaniment 就是火鸡默认的配菜,对应到中文就可以翻译成简单的两个字:标配。
scale 本来指的是范围,on an industrial scale 意思是已经达到一个工业量产的范围。言外之意,英国超市里卖的圣诞烤火鸡调制的都是这个味儿。
plum pudding, with its flaming brandy cap and holly garnish, became the crowning glory of a british christmas meal and a true marker of identity (one that continues to befuddle many visitors from afar).
首先,plum pudding 这道菜的名字里虽然有个 plum,但其实它的里面不一定有 plum。实际上,plum pudding 只是一种习惯叫法,就相当于 christmas pudding,而至于布丁里的配料,可能是葡萄干,可能是李子干,可能是椰枣等任何干果。
flaming /ˈfleɪmɪŋ/ 这个词脱胎于 flame 火焰,flaming 的意思就是熊熊燃烧。
cap 的本意是帽子,或者是某物的盖子,比如说瓶盖就叫 a bottle cap。那么这里,联系上下文它指的就是浇头。flaming brandy cap,就是把白兰地浇在布丁上,然后用火点燃。或者是直接把白兰地在火上加热点燃,然后浇在布丁上。
holly /ˈhɒli/ 指的是冬青,这种植物长有亮红色浆果和绿色有光泽且带刺状边缘的叶子,妥妥的圣诞配色,所以常常用来在圣诞作为装饰。
garnish /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/ 表示装饰、点缀,a small amount of food such as salad or fruit that you place on food to decorate it。
crowning glory 是个固定搭配,表示至高无上的光荣,或者重要特征。比如,她最引以为荣的是她的头发:her crowning glory is her hair. 所以,crowning glory 可以理解为英国餐桌上最有特色的一笔,或者叫点睛之笔。
而且,这个必须要加盖烧着的白兰地和冬青小红果装饰的布丁,不仅是英国圣诞餐的点睛之笔,还是 a true marker of identity。意思就是吃的必须是这种布丁才算是咱大英帝国人民。看,这算不算是英国人的一种古板?
甚至,他们对这种古法的执着,让作者本人都在括号里偷偷地吐槽:one that continues to befuddle many visitors from afar
befuddle /bɪˈfʌdəl/ 的意思就是使糊涂,使迷惑不解,cause to become unable to think clearly。拆解来看,fuddle 原本指的是酗酒,狂饮,而前缀 be- 是使……。所以 befuddle 就是指喝酒喝得烂醉,喝得脑子不清楚。比如,他们喝葡萄酒已喝得酩酊大醉了:the wine had befuddled them. 之后,这个词的词义就扩大为泛指使迷惑不解,把……弄糊涂。比如,these fancy arguments befuddled us. 这些异想天开的论据令我们迷惑不解。
the menu for a christmas day dinner in britain is distinctive from other countries not in the particulars of its flavours but the rigidity of its formula. the bill of fare these days—turkey, stuffing, pudding—is a legacy of the victorians, particularly charles dickens. the enormous turkey that scrooge sent the cratchit family at the end of "a christmas carol" assured the bird's long-term dominance over other meats such as goose. the family's home-made sage-and-onion stuffing has become the default accompaniment to the meat – and is now produced on an industrial scale. plum pudding, with its flaming brandy cap and holly garnish, became the crowning glory of a british christmas meal and a true marker of identity (one that continues to befuddle many visitors from afar).
注:本期内容节选自虎课外刊精读:《全球圣诞吃什么?英国布丁从风行到衰落的背后》- 林伯虎