雪梨和林珊珊偷逃税被处罚后道歉 -k8凯发天生赢家





two influential livestreamers in e. china fined millions of dollars for tax evasion

global times

following investigations into two influential livestreamers "xuelicherie," (whose real name is zhu chenhui), and "lin shanshan_sunny," (whose real name is lin shanshan), zhejiang provincial tax service in hangzhou under state taxation administration issued fines of 65.55 million yuan ($10.26 million) and 27.67 million yuan of evaded tax plus penalization, respectively, said the administrator on monday. 

it was found that zhu and lin evaded personal income tax by setting up sole proprietorship enterprises in different places in china between 2019 and 2020 and recording their income from personal salaries as the operating income of their enterprises, which violated the relevant tax laws and disrupted the order of tax collection, said the administrator. 

according to livestreaming monitoring platform huitun, zhu ranked the third place in a livestreamer chart of taobao, one of china's top e-commerce platforms, with over 33 million fans just next to the top and the second livestreamers li jiaqi and wei ya. lin ranked the sixth place with over 10 million fans. 

officials from the zhejiang provincial tax service in hangzhou in east china vowed to enhance the regulation targeting tax administration in cultural and entertainment sector following related laws, in order to create a fair tax collection environment.

live streaming e-commerce is the rage in china. is the u.s. next?


dec 10, 2020

it's not new news that e-commerce in china is highly developed and covid lockdowns propelled it even further. chinese e-commerce is projected to be $1 trillion dollars in 2020, up from $862 billion in 2019. in 2020 over 700 million chinese are expected to shop online vs. 600 million in 2018. according to emarketer, china has the highest rate of e-commerce of any country as a percent of total retail sales (over 35% in 2019), the highest absolute sales level (more than 3 times the u.s. total, the second largest country), and one of the fastest growth rates of any country, off an already high base.

livestreaming e-commerce is promoting and selling goods through influencer streams on their own social media channels, most often housed on china’s online shopping malls. it’s like home shopping network, but with charismatic, trendy anchors. it’s also been described as part infomercial, part variety show. 

alibaba’s taobao live, has the lion’s share of live-streaming at around 80%. other large chinese tech and e-commerce players, like baidu and jd.com, have jumped in.  douyin, the chinese version of tik tok and its competitor kuaishou in partnership with jd.com, have shoppable livestreams within the apps, as does the leading fashion platform, mogu. products featured are primarily cosmetics and beauty aids, fashion, and food. livestreaming is another way for brands to gain awareness, move excess inventory, and for small local businesses from craft artisans to independent farmers, to reach customers: all the more important in light of this year’s covid lockdown restrictions. taobao live is a virtual shopping mall where customers can shop and be entertained at the same time.

livestreaming e-commerce is growing rapidly. last year over 430 million people, about 30% of china’s population, viewed livestreams, and in 2020, it’s projected to reach 560 million, or around 39%. sales from live streams are expected to grow more than 100% in 2020 vs. 2019 to almost 9% of all online retail sales. in 2019 approximately 37% of china’s online shoppers made livestream purchases. while it has been driven by gen-z and millennials, middle-aged chinese and seniors are jumping on the trend.


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two influential livestreamers in e. china fined millions of dollars for tax evasion

global times

following investigations into two influential livestreamers "xuelicherie," (whose real name is zhu chenhui), and "lin shanshan_sunny," (whose real name is lin shanshan), zhejiang provincial tax service in hangzhou under state taxation administration issued fines of 65.55 million yuan ($10.26 million) and 27.67 million yuan of evaded tax plus penalization, respectively, said the administrator on monday. 





表示“有很大影响的;有支配力的”,英文解释为“having a lot of influence on sb/sth”举个?:

she is one of the most influential figures in local politics.





livestream/live-stream表示“互联网直播,线上直播,流直播”,英文解释为“to broadcast video and sound of an event over the internet as it happens, or to be broadcast in this way”



表示“宣布;公布;发出”,英文解释为“to make sth known formally”举个?:they issued a joint statement denying the charges.




evade在郑爽偷逃税被追缴并处罚款共2.99亿元文中出现过,表示“逃避,规避(尤指法律或道德责任)”,英文解释为“to find a way of not doing sth, especially sth that legally or morally you should do”,如:to evade payment of taxes 逃税。



circumvent /ˌsɜːkəmˈvɛnt/ 表示“设法回避;规避”,英文解释为“to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule”举个?:

they found a way of circumventing the law.


?《经济学人》(the economist)一篇讲述疫情重塑全球化的文章中提到:america circumvented and then sabotaged the wto, stopping the nomination of judges to its appeal board and thus its ability to adjudicate trade disputes. 美国先是绕开了世贸组织,然后再从中作梗,阻止其上诉委员会法官的提名,导致它无法裁决贸易争端。



it was found that zhu and lin evaded personal income tax by setting up sole proprietorship enterprises in different places in china between 2019 and 2020 and recording their income from personal salaries as the operating income of their enterprises, which violated the relevant tax laws and disrupted the order of tax collection, said the administrator. 






表示“所有权; (商)独资; (经)所有制”,英文解释为“a particular legal form for a small company in some countries”




表示“违反”,英文解释为“if someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it.举个?:

they went to prison because they violated the law.


according to livestreaming monitoring platform huitun, zhu ranked the third place in a livestreamer chart of taobao, one of china's top e-commerce platforms, with over 33 million fans just next to the top and the second livestreamers li jiaqi and wei ya. lin ranked the sixth place with over 10 million fans. 





表示“监视;检查;跟踪调查”,英文解释为“to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops, so that you can make any necessary changes举个?:

each student's progress is closely monitored.




officials from the zhejiang provincial tax service in hangzhou in east china vowed to enhance the regulation targeting tax administration in cultural and entertainment sector following related laws, in order to create a fair tax collection environment.





可以作名词,表示“发誓;誓言;许愿”;也可以作动词,表示“起誓;立誓;发誓”,英文解释为“if you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.举个?:

while many models vow to go back to college, few do.



?电影《诸神之战》(clash of the titans)中的台词提到:you vowed to your wife you'd never let helius wield a sword. 你曾对你的妻子发誓 你永远不会让赫利俄斯使用武器

live streaming e-commerce is the rage in china. is the u.s. next?


dec 10, 2020

it's not new news that e-commerce in china is highly developed and covid lockdowns propelled it even further. chinese e-commerce is projected to be $1 trillion dollars in 2020, up from $862 billion in 2019. in 2020 over 700 million chinese are expected to shop online vs. 600 million in 2018. according to emarketer, china has the highest rate of e-commerce of any country as a percent of total retail sales (over 35% in 2019), the highest absolute sales level (more than 3 times the u.s. total, the second largest country), and one of the fastest growth rates of any country, off an already high base.





rage作动词,表示“肆虐;迅速蔓延;快速扩散”,英文解释为“you say that something powerful or unpleasant rages when it continues with great force or violence.”举个?:

train service was halted as the fire raged for more than four hours.




?be (all) the rage表示“风靡一时,非常时兴,十分流行”(to be very popular at a particular time),此前在印度新婚夫妇在自家厕所自拍可获政府奖励文中就提到pre-wedding toilet selfies are becoming all the rage in madhya pradesh. 印度人婚前在厕所自拍非常盛行,再举个?:

long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.





表示“活动(或行动)限制”,英文解释为“a situation in which restrictions are placed on sb's movements or actions举个?:

prisoners have been placed on lockdown to prevent further violence at the jail.


?柯林斯词典2020年度词汇就是lockdown. 柯林斯官方给出的释义为:the imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to public spaces. 指的是对出行、社交和进入公共场所实行严格限制。一般就译为“封锁”。




表示“推动;驱动;推进”,英文解释为“to propel something in a particular direction means to cause it to move in that direction.举个?:

the tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward mars.


the film propelled him to international stardom.





表示“预测;预计;推想”,英文解释为“to estimate what the size, cost or amount of sth will be in the future based on what is happening now举个?:

a growth rate of 4% is projected for next year.




livestreaming e-commerce is promoting and selling goods through influencer streams on their own social media channels, most often housed on china's online shopping malls. it's like home shopping network, but with charismatic, trendy anchors. it's also been described as part infomercial, part variety show.




字面上的意思就是影响者,有影响力的人,柯林斯词典中的解释分为两种,一个就是字面上的意思:any person or thing that exerts an influence;另一种解释为:a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers. 利用社交媒体向自己的粉丝推广或推荐产品和服务的人,就是类似于现在网络中的“(带货)网红”,或者说关键意见领袖,key opinion leader,kol.




表示“是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处);藏;安置;为…提供住处,收容;为…提供空间”,英文解释为“to be the place where sth is kept or where sth operates from举个?:

the gallery houses 100 works of modern art.





charismatic /ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk/ 表示“有魅力的”,英文解释为“charismatic person attracts, influences, and inspires people by their personal qualities.”举个?:

with her striking looks and charismatic personality, she was noticed far and wide.




anchor /ˈæŋkə/ 1)表示“把…系住(或扎牢);使稳固,使固定”,英文解释为“to make something or someone stay in one position by fastening him, her, or it firmly举个?:

we anchored ourselves to the rocks with a rope.


2)表示“主持,担任(节目的)主持人”,英文解释为“to act as the anchorman or anchorwoman of a programme举个?:

she will anchor the new morning news show.





表示“(电视上的)商业信息片,资讯广告节目”,英文解释为“a long advertisement on television that tries to give a lot of information about a subject, so that it does not appear to be an advertisement”.


variety show


表示“综艺节目”,英文解释为“a theatrical entertainment of successive separate performances (as of songs, dances, skits, and acrobatic feats).



alibaba's taobao live, has the lion's share of live-streaming at around 80%. other large chinese tech and e-commerce players, like baidu and jd.com, have jumped in.  douyin, the chinese version of tik tok and its competitor kuaishou in partnership with jd.com, have shoppable livestreams within the apps, as does the leading fashion platform, mogu.  products featured are primarily cosmetics and beauty aids, fashion, and food. livestreaming is another way for brands to gain awareness, moveexcess inventory, and for small local businesses from craft artisans to independent farmers, to reach customers: all the more important in light of this year's covid lockdown restrictions. taobao live is a virtual shopping mall where customers can shop and be entertained at the same time.




the lion's share


表示“最大(或最好)的一份”,英文解释为“the largest or best part of sth when it is divided举个?:

reputable charities spend the lion's share of donations on aid and a tiny fraction on administration.




1)cosmetic /kɒzˈmɛtɪk/作名词,通常复数cosmetics,表示“化妆品;美容品”(a substance that you put on your face or body to make it more attractive),如:the cosmetics industry 化妆品行业,a cosmetic company 化妆品公司,cosmetic products 化妆产品。


2)表示“装饰门面的,虚饰的,表面的”,英文解释为“cosmetic changes, etc. are intended to make you believe that something is better when, really, the problem has not been solved.” 举个?:

they were offered a few cosmetic improvements to their working conditions, but nothing of significance.


3)表示“整容的”,英文解释为“connected with medical treatment that is intended to improve a person's appearance”如:cosmetic surgery 整容外科。




熟词僻义,表示“卖掉,使脱手”,相当于to sell,举个?:

no one wants to buy these toys - we just can't move them.



all the more


表示“加,越发,格外”,英文解释为“even more than before”举个?:

several publishers rejected her book, but that just made her all the more determined.



in light of


表示“根据;考虑到,鉴于”,英文解释为“if something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.举个?:

in the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.


?电影《完美音调2》(pitch perfect 2)中的台词提到:in light of this embarrassing 鉴于这个让人尴尬的...

?美剧《硅谷》(silicon valley)中的台词提到:well, in light of recent activities, it appears that i could do a goddamn thing about it. 有鉴于最近的种种 看来我还是有办法的。

livestreaming e-commerce is growing rapidly. last year over 430 million people, about 30% of china's population, viewed livestreams, and in 2020, it's projected to reach 560 million, or around 39%. sales from live streams are expected to grow more than 100% in 2020 vs. 2019 to almost 9% of all online retail sales. in 2019 approximately 37% of china's online shoppers made livestream purchases. while it has been driven by gen-z and millennials, middle-aged chinese and seniors are jumping on the trend.




gen z

generation z (or gen z) is the demographic cohort after the millennials. demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to early-2000s as starting birth years. there is little consensus regarding ending birth years. most of generation z have used the internet since a young age and are comfortable with technology and social media.

z世代(generation z),美国及欧洲的流行用语,意指在1990年代中叶至2000年后出生的人。一般来说,他们主要是x世代的小孩,但也有较年轻的婴儿潮世代或是较年长的y世代的小孩。他们又被称为m世代(多工世代,multitasking)、c世代(连结世代,connected generation)、网络世代(net generation),或是互联网世代(the internet generation)。(wikipedia)




millennials通常复数,表示“2000年左右出生的人,千禧世代”,英文解释为“a person who was born around the time of the millennium, that is around the year 2000”,也称作y世代(generation y/gen y).

via learnandrecord

最后编辑于:2021/12/18 拔丝英语网


