



专题01 词汇辨析(名词、形容词、副词、动词)






















考向 名词词义辨析

2023·武汉—peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team.

—his height gives him a big ________.

a. situationb. challengec. achievementd. advantage

【透析】 解答此题时我们要分辨每个选项的意义,所以在平时学习中一定要掌握和积累单词,做到厚积薄发。这道考题是考查名词的辨异。明白每个选项的意义后,再根据本题这一小语境下做出正确的选择。语境:选拔排球队员和身高。可知身高在选拔中是一个优势。故答案选d


1. advice, suggestion

 (1)advice多指忠告;劝告”,是不可数名词,不可用an, many, a few等直接修饰,也不能在其后加s,但可以用some, much, a piece of等直接修饰。常见搭配有give some advice, ask for advice等。

(2)suggestion 多指供人参考的想法,是可数名词,可用a, some, many, a few等直接修饰,有复数形式。常见搭配有give a suggestion, make a suggestion等。

2. people, person, man

 (1)people表示;人们时是集体名词, 表复数概念, 不能表示一个人。只有当表示两个或两个以上的人时才可用people, two people意为两个人people还可以表示民族”, 此时有单、复数之分, one people 意为一个民族”, two peoples意为两个民族

(2)person是个体名词, 它泛指man, womanchild中的任何一个, 其复数形式是persons

(3)man意为男人”, woman相对, 其复数形式为men; man也可表示;人类”, 此时man用作单数名词, 且不加冠词。

3. noise, voice, sound

 (1)noise意为噪音;喧闹声”, 常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。


(3)sound泛指人们听到的各种声音”, 可以是人或动物的声音, 也可以是大自然的任何声音。

4. problem, question

两者都可表示问题problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题, 常与动词 solvesettle(解决)搭配使用。question则指说话者需要寻找答案的问题, 常与动词askanswer连用。

此外, problem可用于指数学、化学或物理等的习题, question却无此含义。

5. news, messageinformation





6. cause  reason excuse




7.instruction directionintroduction   

instruction :意为指示;命令;用法说明。强调详细的一步一步地具体指引或指示,常用复数形式

direction :意为方向;(行路的)指引,(用法、操作的)说明,常用复数形式。仅强调方向性的指引,没有一步一步地具体指示

introduction  多指对事物性质、形状等的介绍


1.activity 活动         address 地点       advertisement广告     advantage 优点    attention注意力

  action 行为,行动   ability 能力

2.challenge 挑战       chance 机会           choice  选择       change改变     collection 收集物   

competition 竞赛    composition 作文,文章  cause 原因        communication 沟通,交流

comment 评论   community社区    condition条件   confidence自信心   conversation 谈话,会话

courage勇气     crowd群,人群    culture文化     champion战役

3. distance距离    disease 疾病     difference 差异,不同   decision决定    difficulty 困难  direction方向,指示  director导演,负责人   development 发展  discussion讨论

4. experiment 实验  event 事件,活动  explanation解释   energy 能源,能量 expression 表情,短语。  education教育   exchange交换    effect 效果,影响  environment 环境  excuse借口  experience经验,经历

5. fact事实   feeling感觉,情感  form 格式,表格  fear害怕   furniture 家具  fashion时尚

6. guide指南;导游;向导 government政府;治理, gift礼物;天赋  guard保护;警卫  guest客人

7. habit习惯  hobby爱好  health健康  harm伤害  heat 加热   honour荣誉;尊敬; hug 拥抱 

8. impression印象  influence影响,效果  interest 爱好,利益,兴趣 information信息  

industry工业  instruction 指令,说明 interview采访;面试 introduction介绍 invention发明  


9. language 语言 law法律   level  水平  lamp  lantern 灯笼,提灯  literature文学

10. meaning 意义  memory记忆   message口信,信息  method 方法 mistake错误  manner方式;举止;礼貌;  master大师,师傅 material 材料

11. passenger 旅客  patient 病人  population 人口  present礼物, 现在  practice  实践,业务活动,惯例;训练;  president总统;院长,主席; pressure压力programme 方案,程序。节目 progress  进步

purpose 目的  position地点,职位,位置。

12. reason理由   record记录   relationship 关系 relative亲戚  research调查  result结果

13. safety安全  score得分,分数  secret 秘密  service服务  shame 羞耻   sign符号,标记  

silence安静   situation情况;状况;形势society社会  solutionk8凯发天生赢家的解决方案 speech演讲  spirit 精神 

standard 标准,水准  success成功  suggestion 建议   survey调查 symbol 象征

14. task 任务  taste品味,味道  technology 技术 test测试 trade贸易  traffic交通

treasure 珠宝  trouble麻烦事,困境  truth 真相 talent才能;天赋

15. university 大学 universe宇宙  wave wealth 财富 weight重量  wonder 疑惑 wound伤口

考向 形容词词义辨析

2023·广东完形填空little dora always wanted a sister. so when mum told her she would have one in six months, she felt very ______

a. richb. afraidc. nervousd. cheerful

【透析】考查形容词辨异。语境:小朵拉总想要一个妹妹。所以当妈妈告诉她六个月后就要生孩子时 ,她感到_______a b c d 选项都是描述性的形容词。辨别他们的意义后,答案d符合此语境。中朵拉是很开心的。故答案选d


1. -ed形容词/-ing形容词



动词                     ing形容词                 ed形容词

amaze(使惊奇、使惊愕)   amazing(惊人的)            amazed(惊奇的)

annoy(使恼怒)           annoying(令人烦躁的)    annoyed(恼怒的)

bore(使厌烦)           boring(令人厌烦的)        bored(无聊厌倦的)

confuse(使糊涂、使困惑)   confusing(令人费解的)    confused(困惑的、糊涂的)

disappoint(使失望)       disappointing(令人失望的)    disappointed(失望的)

embarrass(使尴尬)       embarrassing(令人尴尬的)    embarrassed(尴尬的、窘迫的)

excite(激起、使兴奋)   exciting(令人兴奋的)     excited(激动的)

frighten(使惊吓)       frightening(可怕的)        frightened(受惊的)

frustrate(使沮丧)       frustrating(令人沮丧的)    frustrated(沮丧的、懊恼的)

interest(使感兴趣)       interesting(有趣的)        interested(感兴趣的)

relax(使放松)           relaxing(令人放松的)        relaxed(放松的)

surprise(使某人吃惊)  surprising(令人吃惊的)    surprised(意外的、惊讶的)

tire(使疲劳)          tiring(令人疲劳)            tired(累的)

move(打动、使感动)  moving(动人的、感人的)    moved(感动的)




3. alone/lonely



4. live, living, alivelively的区别

(1)alive意为活的, 活着的”, 没有比较级和最高级, 可用作表语和后置定语, 指人或动物, 不能用来指  


(2)living意为活着的; 现存的”, 指人或物可用作表语和定语, 作定语时要放在所修饰的名词前

(3)live意为有生命的; 活的; 现场播出的”, 可作定语, 指动物或植物, 不能用来指人

(4)lively意为有生气的; 活泼的”, 可用作定语、表语和宾语补足语, 指人或物



loud大声的/地、响亮的/形容词、副词 指声音强度大,传得远


6. late, later, latest, lately




lately 最近地。相当recently 


1.absent缺席的,不在场的  active积极的,ancient 古代的 aware意识到的 awful很坏的;非常的;可怕的

2.calm平静的;沉着的  classic 传统的;典型的 comfortable舒服的  common 普通的complete完全的,完整的 convenient 方便的 creative创新的,具有创建性的 crowded拥挤的 curious好奇的

3.dangerous危险的    deep 深的different不同的  difficult 困难的 direct坦率的,直接的  disappointed失望的

4.effective有效的  empty空的  energetic 精力充沛的  excellent优秀的  expensive昂贵的

5.familiar熟悉的  fantastic好极了的,奇妙的  fair 公平的 foolish愚蠢的  fresh新鲜的 friendly友好的

6.handsome 英俊的,帅的  harmful 有伤害的,honest诚实的   huge巨大的  hungry饿的

7.lazy懒得   likely可能的  lively充满活力的  local 当地的 lonely孤独的  lovely可爱的  low低的,低落的

8.mad 疯狂的,生气的  magic有魔力的  main主要的  medical 医学的,医疗的 medium中等的modern现代的

9.narrow窄的  negative负面的;消极的; nervous 紧张的 normal 普通的,正常的patient有耐心的 perfect完美的 personal 个人的 popular 受欢迎的 positive积极的,主动的  possible可能的 powerful强有力的 present现在的,到场的 private私人的  proper适当的  proud 骄傲的

10.real 真的 rapid迅速的  recent 最近的,最新的 responsible负责任的

11.secret 秘密的 serious 严重的,严肃的 silent沉默的,无声的  similar 相似的 simple简单的 smooth 平滑的,顺利的;平稳的 special 特别的 straight 直接的 strange奇怪的  strict 严格的 successful成功的

12.wealthy 富有的 weekly每周的  wide宽阔的 wild 野的,野生的 wise聪明的 wonderful 精彩的 worth值得的

考向 副词词义辨析

2023·浙江杭州完形填空ewa came out of the storm cloud and headed towards a small farm and landed __   _.

a. comfortablyb. safelyc. sadlyd. secretly

【透析】考查副词辨异。句意:最后,艾娃从风暴云中逃脱出来,向一个小农场跳去,安全着陆。先懂得abcd选项意义。comfortably舒服地;safely安全地;sadly伤心地;secretly秘密地。根据“towards a small farm and landed…”可知,描述她着陆时的状态,结合选项,应是安全地。故选b


1.also/too/as well/either



as well意为,多用于口语,一般用于肯定句和疑问句中,其前一般不用逗号隔开


2. already/yet/still




3. sometime/sometimes/some time/some times


sometimes意为有时,不时,相当于at times

some time意为一段时间,其中time为不可数名词

some times意为几次,其中time为可数名词

4. ago/before



5. near/nearly


nearly 几乎;差不多;将近

6.too muchtoo manymuch too

“too much”修饰不可数名词,太多的

“too many”修饰可数名词复数,太多的

“much too”修饰adj/adv的原级,太、非常

7. hardhardly

hard作形容词,意为困苦的;艰难的;坚硬的”; 作副词,意为努力地;猛烈地

hardly作副词, 意为几乎不;几乎没有”,它并不是hard的副词形式

8.exceptexcept forbesides


except for之外,说明整体基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,表示美中不足的是





always, usually, often, sometimesnever是英语中最常见的频度副词

1always 的频度为100%,表示动作重复、状态继续,中间没有间断,意思是总是永远地

2usually 的频度为80%左右,意为通常平常,即很少有例外。例如:

3often 的频度为60%左右,意为常常,但不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断

4) sometimes 的频度为40%左右,意为有时,表示动作偶尔发生。可以位于句首,以示强调。

5) seldom的频度为20%左右,意为很少不经常。例如:

6) never 的频度为0,意为从来不永不。例如:

3. 程度副词

quite相当;完全;十分,    nearly几乎,  even甚至,   rather相当;有点儿,  enough足够, 

hardly几乎不,     almost几乎;差不多


still 仍然     ever曾经    yet 尚;还    immediately立即;立刻   once 曾经;以前    just 刚才

already 已经

考向 动词词义辨析

2023·广州she was in great fear and couldn’t think. this only caused her to ______ farther into the pool.

a. dropb. swimc. jumpd. search

【透析】考查动词辨异。篇章大语境:susan参加水族馆鲸鱼训练员比赛时在水下遇到意外,幸运的是她被一头鲸鱼救了。小语境:她在水下,腿没有知觉,大脑不能思考,故会_______. drop丢掉;swim游泳;jump跳跃;search搜找。根据这个a符合语境。答案选a


1.invent create discover


create作为动词,意为创造;创作,其后常接painting, song等文艺作品。


2. lie  lay

lie动词躺;位于。过去式:lay 过去分词:lain  现在分词lying

     说谎 过去式:lied 过去分词lied  现在分词:lying

lay动词下蛋;放置过去式:laid 过去分词laid  现在分词:laying

3. wear, dress, put on

wear 意为穿;”,强调穿着/戴着的状态,其宾语通常为服装、鞋帽、首饰、眼镜等。

dress意为……穿衣服”,表示穿的动作,其宾语通常是人。常见搭配:dress sb.“给某人穿衣服”(强调动作);dress oneself“给自己穿衣服。如果表示状态,则用be/get dressed in...“穿着……”

put on意为穿上;戴上”,强调动作,其宾语通常是衣物。宾语为代词时,必须放在puton之间,且代词用宾格形式。宾语为名词时,放在on的前后均可。反义词组是take off

4. spendtake, costpay 

spend 主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:

1. spend time/money on sth.


2. spend time/money (in) doing sth.


cost主语是物或者某种活动,还可以表示,常见用法:“sth costs (sb) 金钱”,意为某物花了(某人)多少钱


1. “it takes sb 时间 to do sth” 做某事花费某人多少时间。

2. “doing sth takes sb 时间”  做某事花费某人多少时间。


1. pay (sb) money for sth. ...付钱(给某人)

2. pay for sth. ....的 钱

3. pay for sb. 替某人付钱

4. pay sb. 付钱给某人。

5. advisesuggest的辨析

advisev.建议,常用于advise sb. to do sth.结构

suggestv.建议, suggest sb. doing sth

6. achievecome true

achieve表示 实现, 其主语通常是人

come true表示 实现, 其主语通常是梦想等

7. attend, jointake part in



take part in指参加群众性活动等,并在其中发挥积极作用




9. provideoffer 

provide为及物动词,意为提供provide常与介词withfor连用,provide sb. with sth.表示为某人提供某物,其同意表达为 provide sth. for sb.。例如:

offer是动词,意为拿出,提供;(主动)提出要做某事。常用于“offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.向某人提供某物“offer to do sth.主动去做某事这两种结构

10. leaveforget


11. winbeat



12. believebelieve in

believe 指相信某人说的话是真的或相信某事会发生(或已经发生)

  believe in指信任某人或信仰某事物,表示相信……的存在相信……的价值”,接人作宾语指相信  某人的人格,强调品质。


separate:把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来,separate… from… ...分开



1.accept接受   attend 参加 achieve 获得, 实现  afford 付得起,买得起 appear出现,似乎是

avoid避免 awake (使)醒来;唤醒;  

2. cancel 取消  celebrate庆祝, challenge挑战   change 改变 check 检查 cheer欢呼;加油;喝彩

collect 收集  communicate沟通,交流  compare比较 complete 完成  connect ….相连,连接  

consider考虑;认为 control 控制,操作 create创建

4. deal处理   depend 依靠 describe 描述 destroy摧毁   develop提高,发展,开发 discover 发现  divide分开,分割  double加倍   drop 掉落,落下

5. encourage鼓励  expect 期望,期待 explain 解释 express表达  escape逃离

6. imagine想象improve改善,提高include包括increase 增强,提高 introduce介绍 invent发明


7. manage经营, 管理,掌管 marry结婚,娶,嫁 match ….相配 mention提及  mind介意, mix混合

8.offer 提供 operate操作  order订购,命令  (酒菜等) organize组织  own拥有

9. paint描绘成,油漆成  perform执行;履行;表演  praise 表扬 prefer比较喜欢  prepare准备

print印刷  promise承诺  protect 保护  prove 证明是 provide提供   publish出版  punish处罚,惩罚

10.raise增加,提高;抚养;举起;筹款; realize意识到   receive 收到 recognize认识;承认 reduce减少

refuse拒接   remind提醒;使想起;  repeat 重复 require要求  review 复习  satisfy使。。。满意

11.scare使害怕;恐惧;使恐惧 search  搜查 ,搜寻  separate 分离  serve 服务,供应shock 使。。。震惊

12.solve解决  stick粘贴卡住,陷住 succeed 成功做   suffer受苦,受难 support 支持 suppose推断,料想;假设 surprise使。。。吃惊  survive存活;幸存;幸免 sweep打扫


a 名词辨异

1. (2023·武汉) —peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team.

—his height gives him a big ________.

a. situationb. challengec. achievementd. advantage

2. (2023·湖北荆州) —what can you learn from journey to the west?

—i learn that we should have enough _______ to overcome the difficulties in our life.

a. dangerb. successc. couraged. excitement

3. (2023·湖北黄石) —could you tell me the ________ of making such tasty dumplings?

—well, i just follow the steps on tiktok.

a. costb. methodc. timed. menu

4. (2023·江苏扬州)—what places of interest are there in yangzhou?

—i recommend the slender west lake. a boat tour is a wonderful ________!

a. movementb. attractionc. experienced. research

5. (2023·安徽)the proper ________ of your spare time will make your life colorful.

a. dateb. usec. named. cause

6. (2023·沈阳) betty is crazy about music. her dream is to be a ________.

a. scientistb. painterc. musiciand. writer

7. (2023·长春)john smith often looks through the news about _______ to know what’s on in the cinema.

a. filmsb. musicc. booksd. weather

8. (2023·山东滨州) —what’s your secret of writing so well?

—i read a lot, and the works of lu xun had a strong________ on me as a child.

a. differenceb. attentionc. situationd. influence

9.—i have         in learning english and i'm so worried. could you help me with it?

—sure, i'd love to.

a. joy b. interest            c. trouble               d. fun

10—have you decided what to write about gulliver in lilliput in the report?

—i'm not sure. maybe i need to read some ________ about it before writing.


11.—in china, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.

—that's interesting! i want to know all the chinese ________

atraditions     bsentences           cnotices  dproblems

12. for his son’s birthday, steven is taking him to the new movie as a     

a. task                 b. treat           c. choice            d. visit

13.you can see the     in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.

adoubt            b. pride        c. regret          d. ability

14beijing opera is an important part of chinese ________.

aculturebinvention        cconditiondintroduction

15—is this photo taken in tibet

—yes. you can see beautiful snow mountain in the      of the photo.

aform               bbackground          cshape      dintroduction

16in a conversation between two persons, 65% of ________ is done through body language.

ainformation bpronunciation   cintroduction   dcommunication

17.the sun gives out light and     . without the sun, there will be no life on the earth.

a. temperature      b. beauty        c. heat         d. peace

18. —we have entered a world where robot operations become true with 5g technology.

—hard to believe! scientists are full of     which leads to great changes in our life. 

a. attraction             b. invention           c. position           d. contribution

19. —what’s the _________ of beijing winter olympics in 2022?

—together for a shared future!

a. planb. symbolc. themed. sport

20. listening to music and watching films are both relaxing forms of _______.

a. achievementb. agreement

c. developmentd. entertainment

21. ——tu you you received the nobel prize for her________ of anemisinin(青蒿素).

——and she was the first chinese who won the prize in science.

a. designb. thoughtc. inventiond. discovery

22. —what's the ________of traveling by bike?

—it can save moneykeep us healthy and does not pollute the air.

a. purpose b. suggestion            c. advantage       d. knowledge

23.—boys and girls, please follow my _______ when you are in the lab.

—ok, miss wang.

a. conversationsb. licensesc. instructiond. habits

24. from my ________ on the top of the tv tower, i can have a perfect view of our city.

a. traditionb. conditionc. positiond. situation

25.— she is leaving to take part in the final poem competition.

— i’m proud of her. i wish her a great      .

a. speedb. methodc. pressured. success

26.-it's dangerous to drive after drinking.

-that's true. it can increase the ______ of traffic accidents.

a. advantage    b. stress        c.safety         d. risk

27. life is like riding a bicycle. to keep your_______ , you must keep moving.

a. promise            b. position       c. balance         d. ability

28. — they gave their different ___________ on your new plan last night. what do you think of them?

—most of them are practical, and i’d like to accept them.

a. reasons b. comments              c. results                  d. excuse

29. — what do you want to be in the future?

—i want to be a ___________ because i want to show people the most popular clothes.

a. host b. model               c. writer                d. modern

30. in 2023, according to the china association for science and technology(cast), more than10 percent of chinese citizens(公民) have basic(基本的) scientific knowledge, a(n) ________ from 8.2 percent in 2022.

a. improve                b. number         c. result             d. increase

31peter is interested in reading books about animals and plants. he has a real ______ of animalsbirds and flowers. 


32a sudden windfallwhich makes a man get rich quicklymay break the balance of a person's life.

"windfall" in the sentence means ______.


33to spread our traditional culturemany teenagers came up with new      .for examplesuansuana college studenthas posted over 50 videos on bilibili to show her love for our culture. 

amethodsbmessagescmeanings          dmedicines

34the little girl has such a good ______ that she can keep the names of all her classmates in mind on the first day at school.


35.﹣have you been to harry's __________ yet

yes. i couldn't help singing and dancing along with him.


36if you don't know how to fix the machinejust follow the______ 

aintroductions       bresolutionscpredictions          dinstructions

37.though zhong nanshan is in his eightieshe makes great __________ to the medical development

i can't agree morehe is my hero

acelebration          bconversationccontribution    dcollection

38i've come to the ______ that lydia is the right person to make friends withshe is friendlyhelpful and honest

ainformationbdirection   cconclusion         dinvitation

39we need courage to face the ________so be brave enough! 


40spending more time together helps to improve the ________ between parents and kids.

aenvironment        brelationship  cpreparation   dactivities

41although the match is moving in an unexpected_____our team will win finallyi believe. 

ainstruction          bintroduction cposition        ddirection

42paul keeps doing sports every dayso he is always full of       . 


43.the queqiao satellite (卫星) has been a ________ bridge between the earth and the moon. 

acompetition        bcontribution ccelebration          dcommunication

44at the beginning of his first classmr. wang gave us a general ________ about chemistry.

aattention         bconversation  cdirection         dintroduction

45. to tell you the truthi don't want to join in the singing competition

come onyou just need more practice to build up your              

achallenge          bconfidencecdevelopment    denergy

b 形容词副词辨异

1. (2023·武汉) —mary is ________ about what she eats. she never has junk food.

—a good habit.

a. carefulb. angryc. nervousd. relaxed

2. (2023·湖北荆州) —the food in the restaurant is great, isn’t it?

—yes, it’s fine. i just don’t like the environment. the music is too _______.

a. talentedb. usefulc. noisyd. beautiful

3. (2023·湖北荆州) —the girls are talking about the art festival _______.

—yes, they have so many fun things to share.

a. suddenlyb. sadlyc. badlyd. happily

4. (2023·湖北黄石) in switzerland, keeping only one goldfish isn’t allowed, because it is very bad to make such ________ animals live alone.

a. luckyb. socialc. patientd. dangerous

5 (2023·江苏扬州)—i like your teapot. it has a very funny but interesting shape.

—thank you. it’s a work of art, but it is also ________ for tea making.

a. naturalb. practicalc. equald. general

6. (2023·江苏无锡)dressing up as a ghost is ________ unusual in our culture. people think it will bring bad luck.

a. hardlyb. hardc. highlyd. high

7. (2023·安徽)— camping trips in spring have become very ________ in southern china.

— exactly. that’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.

a. hotb. safec. cheapd. hard

8. (2023·安徽)from my childhood, i ________ remember my parents working hard day and night.

a. clearlyb. patientlyc. suddenlyd. politely

9. (2023·沈阳)the delicious food and ________ waiters made us happy with the restaurant.

a. slowb. tiredc. awfuld. polite

10(2023·山东滨州) —how amazing chatgpt is!

—yes. the new invention makes it quite ________ for people to write papers and stories.

a. lateb. simplec. naturald. difficult

11. (2023·山东滨州) —father’s day is around the corner, but i don’t have money to buy a gift for my dad.

—why not make a card by yourself? he will ________ love it.

a. widelyb. smoothlyc. hardlyd. certainly

12. (2023·山东青岛)it was reported that visitors were ________ on may day this year.

a. everywhereb. anywherec. somewhered. nowhere

13. (2023·山东青岛) we should eat ________ fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.

a. freeb. freshc. softd. sweet

14. (2023·山东青岛)tom, an english doctor, hopes to go ________ for vacation. china is his first choice.

a. backb. downc. abroadd. up

15learn ________ , and you will be a successful learner.


16.the story that my father told me is very       . i don’t want to listen to it again. 

a. scary          b. scared         c. excited       d. exciting

17.—what time is it now?

—i can’t tell you the time ________, but i know it’s too late.


18. mr. green's lessons are so _______ that the whole class enjoys working with him.

a. lively                     b. meaningless         c. usual               d. traditional

19. 2023·江苏宿迁一模)the boy used to be shy, but now he is getting more ________ and willing to take part in school activities.

a. activeb. curiousc. creatived. friendly

20. 2023·苏州一模) you’d better draw a mind map of the key information while preparing for the report. ________ you may forget some easily.

a. howeverb. moreoverc. otherwised. instead

21. 2023·江苏杨州一模)—have you watched the film “all river red” (满江红) during the spring festival?

—yes. it is very ________ among people of different ages.

a. popularb. practicalc. pleasantd. powerful

22. 2023·江苏杨州一模)—a sudden stop can be a very frightening experience.

—i can’t agree more. _______ when you are travelling at high speed.

a. simplyb. exactlyc. speciallyd. especially

23. failure is a ________ part of the inventing. still, many great scientists never give up.

a. excitingb. commonc. populard. practical

24. mr. green's lessons are so _______ that the whole class enjoys working with him.

a. lively                     b. meaningless         c. usual               d. traditional

25.—as we know, it’s difficult to live in the foreign country.

_____ if you don’t understand the local language.


26. many big events happened this year. the missing of flight made us especially __________.

a. concerned            b. special             c. proper     d. excited

27.it’s _________ of yang xiangming to save the boy who fell into the river

a. patientb. energeticc. braved. confident

28. —he often replies to his daughter’s message          after he receives it.

—there’s nothing strange about that. she is the person he cares most about.

a. immediatelyb. slowlyc. quietlyd. suddenly

29. —mrs. cook gives her family the best tasty food, putting her heart and love into every meal.

—yeah. she always cooks the ________ meals.

a. proper                b. normal            c. common        d. simple

30. recently, a song called lonely warrior has become very popular, ________ among those in kindergarten or primary school.

a. nearly                   b. closely           c. especially        d. simply

31—father’s day is around the corner, but i don’t have money to buy a gift for my dad.

—why not make a card by yourself? he will ________ love it.

awidely bsmoothly         chardly            dcertainly

32— why do you hardly make mistakes?

— because i do everything very _______.

acarelessly          bunluckily         ccarefully          dcomfortably

33. the sport is really difficult to learn ________ for beginners.

aprobably bactually              cespecially       dmostly

34my parents always say that time is money. and i am always told to plan my time ________.

abravely            bsilently             cproperly           dproudly

35—how should we talk to those kids with hearing problems?

—we’d better speak to them ______ so that they can understand us more easily.

abravely       bslowly           ctruly               dseriously

36. —how do you have such a large vocabulary?

—you need to use your break time ________.

awisely       bdirectly     cseriously               dcompletely

37. miss hale is helpful and patient. it makes her one of the most ________ teachers at school.

a. popularb. strictc. actived. serious

38. —come on, helen! it’s not _________ to keep your classmates waiting outside for so long on such a cold day.

—sorry, mom. i’m starting out.

a. commonb. meaningfulc. normald. polite

39. the doctor was ________ enough to spend lots of time telling us how to prevent covid-.

a. popularb. talentedc. intelligentd. patient

40. —can you tell the kind of meat here? mutton and beef look quite ________.

—sure. just smell can help you.

a. properb. normalc. correctd. similar

41. —listen! the boy is using two chopsticks and several bowls to play the smooth music on douying.

— that’s really amazing! he is so ________.

a. energeticb. normalc. seriousd. creative

42. —are you relaxing yourself here?

—yes. it’s ________ to take a walk slowly with my parents.

a. fantasticb. boringc. impossibled. terrible

c 动词辨异

1. (2023·武汉) — the hair product is being ________ at present.

— you mean if it’s up to the standard, it will be put on the market soon.

a. usedb. testedc. shownd. sold

2. (2023·湖北荆州) —hangzhou will hold the 19th asian games from september 23 to october 8, 2023.

—right. players will _______ in forty sports, such as swimming, table tennis and volleyball.

a. competeb. believec. imagined. advise

3. (2023·武汉) — sally ________ into the role of our group leader.

— really? i’m expecting fresh air and new ideas from her.

a. ranb. brokec. steppedd. looked

4. (2023·湖北黄石) in april, the weather in some places in hubei is really changeable. people may ________ four seasons in one week.

a. organizeb. describec. checkd. experience

5. (2023·江苏扬州) we don’t ________ much from the kids because they can’t understand the value of this work.

a. expressb. excusec. expectd. explain

6. (2023·江苏无锡) —let’s go and get something to eat. what do you ________?

—how about fish and chips?

a. suggestb. imaginec. supposed. insist

7. (2023·沈阳) when autumn comes, leaves start to ________ from the trees.

a. growb. fallc. appeard. come

8. (2023·山东滨州)—our parents often ________us not to talk with strangers on the internet.

—that’s true. as teenagers, we should learn to protect ourselves.

a. warnb. invitec. controld. promise

9.—is taylor swift the most popular country music singer?

—i ________ so. she has won so many awards and her concerts are the most popular.

a. hopeb. doubtc. supposed. imagine

102023·江苏泰州一模) —how long does it take to get to taizhou from nanjing by train?

—maybe one hour. but why not ________ it on baidu?

a. fixb. designc. lookd. check

11. nobody believes jack because he always ________ others.

a. cheatb. considerc. helpd. dislike

12. —the________you wrote about the film is wonderful.


a. renew              b. review            c. recycle        d. reuse

13. 2023·江苏苏州一模)—no way, i won’t sleep in this sleeping bag.

—so what do you ________, mark? it’s a camp, not a hotel.

a. expectb. wishc. suggestd. imagine

14. —dinner is ready. help yourself, please!

—wow! it _________ delicious.

a. tastesb. soundsc. turnsd. gets

15. 2023·安徽江淮一模) —how much is the computer? is it expensive?

—no, it’s not too expensive. it only _______ me 300 dollars.

a. costb. lostc. spentd. took

16. (2023·安徽黄山一模)the newly-opened supermarket ________ the local people with more chances to work.

a. offersb. givesc. providesd. shows

17. 2023·江苏锡山一模)the bbc documentary du fu: china’s greatest poet _________ du to william shakespeare, one of the greatest writers of the west. 

a. considersb. connectsc. comparesd. complains

18. 2023·江苏锡山一模) —i hear you’re organizing a trip to the game next week. _________ me in!

—no problem. just keep in touch on wechat.

a. matterb. leavec. countd. mind

19 2023·江苏泰州一模)—how long does it take to get to taizhou from nanjing by train?

—maybe one hour. but why not ________ it on baidu?

a. fixb. designc. lookd. check

20. 2023·江苏苏州一模)—no way, i won’t sleep in this sleeping bag.

—so what do you ________, mark? it’s a camp, not a hotel.

a. expectb. wishc. suggestd. imagine

21. you don’t need to ________ yourself with others. believe in yourself.


22. schools should ________ students to form good working habits through labor(劳动) education.

a. force b. encouragec. warnd. promise

23. the huge fire ______ the whole factory and killed 121 workers.

a. kept            b. protected      c. destroyed        d. damaged

24. —why do you like this hotel?

—because it can _______ customers with best service.

a. provides        b. serve      c. state       d. offer

25. when simon ________ that there was a new student in the classroom, he said hello to her.

a. noticed b. promised             c. planned            d. decided

26. don’t throw away the waste paper. it needs ________.

a. takingb. recyclingc. keepingd. remaining

27. he has _____ from a poor young man to a successful business man.

a. raised         b. spread     c. traded           d. risen

28. the news of victory ________ quickly and everyone in the town was very excited.

a. recordedb. discussedc. spreadd. polluted

29. if you always___________ yourself with others, you may have tons of pressure.

i agree. we should believe in ourselves.

a. compare             b. complain            c. connect            d. consider

30. they all             why the little girl could sing so difficult an english song.

a. wondered     b. believed       c. wanted          d. expected

31. the female scientist yan ning ________ to leave the us and return to china in november 2022. the news caught many people’s attention.


32.although chinese people like the color red, they try to ________ writing one’s name in red.


33.i am determined to study harder to _______ my dream.


34.—the report says one of the organizers is still __________ by the police.

—if i find the organizer, i will report it to the police at once.

acaught  bwantedcmisseddquestioned

35.—do you think karen will be a great doctor?

—in fact, being a doctor ________ carefulness, but she is careless sometimes.


36.—what do you think of the movie avatar: the way of water?

—great. it _________ about 3 hours, but no one left early.

acoveredbremained         clasteddshowed

37.—you may borrow some money from your friend tom.

—forget it. tom and i just met a couple of times, but we don’t really _________.


38. liu cixin, a science fiction writer, has ________ the world with his imaginative works, such as the wandering earth series and three bodies.

aexpressedbimpressedcsucceeded       dpresented

39. —do you think john can win a prize in the wuhan marathon?

—impossible now. he was ________ to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.


41.—since the taxi drivers work all day long, do you have some suggestions to help them feel more relaxed?

—maybe they should get a seat belt that ________ them greater freedom.


42. i couldn’t remember where i’d seen that man before, and then it suddenly ________ me. he was my desk-mate i haven’t seen for seven years!


43. —although he was really disappointed, he________ a weak smile.

—he was always caring about others’ feelings.


44.song of auturnnby liu yuxi describes autumn in a different way.

—i agree. most poets (诗人) describe this season to ________ a feeling of sadness, but in liu’s eyes autumn is full of life and hope.


45. give me the name of one of your relatives who can be ________ if you want to join us.

aconfirmedbcontactedccommunicated    dconnected




a 名词辨异

1. (2023·武汉) —peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team.

—his height gives him a big ________.

a. situationb. challengec. achievementd. advantage


【解析】句意: ——彼得被选为学校排球队队员。——他的身高给了他很大的优势。

考查名词辨析。situation情况;challenge挑战;achievement成就;advantage优势。根据“his height gives him a big”可知他的身高在选拔中是一个优势。故选d

2. (2023·湖北荆州) —what can you learn from journey to the west?

—i learn that we should have enough _______ to overcome the difficulties in our life.

a. dangerb. successc. couraged. excitement



考查名词辨析。danger危险;success成功;courage勇气;excitement兴奋。根据“we should have enough…to overcome the difficulties in our life.”可知,克服生活中的困难需要足够的勇气。故选c

3. (2023·湖北黄石) —could you tell me the ________ of making such tasty dumplings?

—well, i just follow the steps on tiktok.

a. costb. methodc. timed. menu



考查名词辨析。cost费用;method方法;time时间;menu菜单。根据“could you tell me the...of making such tasty dumplings?”可知,询问做饺子的方法,故选b

4. (2023·江苏扬州)—what places of interest are there in yangzhou?

—i recommend the slender west lake. a boat tour is a wonderful ________!

a. movementb. attractionc. experienced. research



考查名词辨析。movement移动,转移;attraction有吸引力的事物;experience经历;research研究。根据“a boat tour is a wonderful”可知,此处说的是一种体验/经历,故选c

5. (2023·安徽)the proper ________ of your spare time will make your life colorful.

a. dateb. usec. named. cause



考查名词辨析。date日期;use使用;name名字;cause原因。根据“…will make your life colorful.”可知,想让生活丰富多彩,就要利用好空闲时间。故选b

6. (2023·沈阳) betty is crazy about music. her dream is to be a ________.

a. scientistb. painterc. musiciand. writer



考查名词辨析。scientist科学家;painter画家;musician音乐家;writer作家。根据“betty is crazy about music.”可知痴迷于音乐,想要成为音乐家。故选c

7. (2023·长春)john smith often looks through the news about _______ to know what’s on in the cinema.

a. filmsb. musicc. booksd. weather



考查名词辨析。films电影;music音乐;books书;weather天气。根据“o know what’s on in the cinema”可知想要知道电影院在上映什么,由此知道经常浏览电影新闻。故选a

8. (2023·山东滨州) —what’s your secret of writing so well?

—i read a lot, and the works of lu xun had a strong________ on me as a child.

a. differenceb. attentionc. situationd. influence



考查名词辨析。difference不同;attention关注;situation情况;influence影响。根据“the works of lu xun had a strong...on me”可知鲁迅的作品对我有影响。故选d

9.—i have         in learning english and i'm so worried. could you help me with it?

—sure, i'd love to.

a. joy b. interest            c. trouble               d. fun



10—have you decided what to write about gulliver in lilliput in the report?

—i'm not sure. maybe i need to read some ________ about it before writing.




考查名词辨析。reasons理由;rewards奖励;results结果;reviews评论。空格后的it指代前文提到的“gulliver in lilliput”,结合“i’m not sure”可知,并不太确定写什么,所以需要参考一些有关它的评论,故选d

11.—in china, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.

—that's interesting! i want to know all the chinese ________

atraditions     bsentences           cnotices  dproblems



12. for his son’s birthday, steven is taking him to the new movie as a     

a. task                 b. treat           c. choice            d. visit



13.you can see the     in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.

adoubt            b. pride        c. regret          d. ability



14beijing opera is an important part of chinese ________.

aculturebinvention        cconditiondintroduction




15—is this photo taken in tibet

—yes. you can see beautiful snow mountain in the      of the photo.

aform               bbackground          cshape      dintroduction


【解析】句意:--这张照片是在西藏拍摄的吗?--是的。在照片的背景中你可以看到美丽的雪山。form形状,形式,外形,表格;background背景,底色;shape形状;introduction介绍,说明。in the background of the photo在照片的背景中。所以选b

16in a conversation between two persons, 65% of ________ is done through body language.

ainformation bpronunciation   cintroduction   dcommunication



考查名词辨析。information信息;pronunciation发音;introduction介绍;communication交流;根据“in a conversation between two persons”以及“through body language”可知,此处指的是交流65%是肢体语言,故选d

17.the sun gives out light and     . without the sun, there will be no life on the earth.

a. temperature      b. beauty        c. heat         d. peace



18. —we have entered a world where robot operations become true with 5g technology.

—hard to believe! scientists are full of     which leads to great changes in our life. 

a. attraction             b. invention           c. position           d. contribution



19. —what’s the _________ of beijing winter olympics in 2022?

—together for a shared future!

a. planb. symbolc. themed. sport


考查名词辨析。plan计划;symbol象征;theme主题;sport运动。根据“together for a shared future!”可知携手共创美好未来是北京冬奥会的主题,故选c

20. listening to music and watching films are both relaxing forms of _______.

a. achievementb. agreement

c. developmentd. entertainment



考查名词辨析。achievement成就;agreement同意;development发展;entertainment娱乐。根据“listening to music and watching films are both relaxing forms of...”可知,听音乐和看电影都是娱乐方式,故选d

21. ——tu you you received the nobel prize for her________ of anemisinin(青蒿素).

——and she was the first chinese who won the prize in science.

a. designb. thoughtc. inventiond. discovery



22. —what's the ________of traveling by bike?

—it can save moneykeep us healthy and does not pollute the air.

a. purpose b. suggestion            c. advantage       d. knowledge



23.—boys and girls, please follow my _______ when you are in the lab.

—ok, miss wang.

a. conversationsb. licensesc. instructiond. habits


【解析】句意:——孩子们,当你们在实验室的时候,请我说的做。——好的,王老师。考查名词辨析题。a. conversations交谈;b. licenses执照;c. instruction指令;d. habits习惯。follow one’s instruction按照某人的指示。根据句意结构,可知abd选项的意思都不符句意,故选c

24. from my ________ on the top of the tv tower, i can have a perfect view of our city.

a. traditionb. conditionc. positiond. situation



考查名词辨析。tradition传统;condition条件;position位置;situation形式,情况。根据“on the top of the tv tower,”可知,此处是要表示一个位置。故选c

25.— she is leaving to take part in the final poem competition.

— i’m proud of her. i wish her a great      .

a. speedb. methodc. pressured. success


【解析】句意:——她要去参加诗歌决赛了。——我为她感到骄傲,同时也希望她获得巨大成功。考查名词辨析。a. speed速度;b. method方法;c. pressure压力;d. success成功。根据上文我为她感到骄傲,可推知应是希望她获得巨大成功,所以d选项符合题意,其它选项均与句意不符,故答案选d

26.-it's dangerous to drive after drinking.

-that's true. it can increase the ______ of traffic accidents.

a. advantage    b. stress        c.safety         d. risk



27. life is like riding a bicycle. to keep your_______ , you must keep moving.

a. promise            b. position       c. balance         d. ability


【解析】 promise意为"承诺"; position意为位置;balance意为"平衡ability意 为"能力” to keep balance意为"保持平衡。将各选项代入语境可知选c

28. — they gave their different ___________ on your new plan last night. what do you think of them?

—most of them are practical, and i’d like to accept them.

a. reasons b. comments              c. results                  d. excuse


【解析】a. reasons理由 b. comments评论    c. results 结果   d. excuse 借口 句意:昨晚他们给这新计划不同的评论,你认为怎么样?----大多数评价很实用,我愿意接受他们。

29. — what do you want to be in the future?

—i want to be a ___________ because i want to show people the most popular clothes.

a. host b. model               c. writer                d. modern


【解析】a. host 主持人 主人 b. model 模特      c. writer作家     d. modern现代化的


30. in 2023, according to the china association for science and technology(cast), more than10 percent of chinese citizens(公民) have basic(基本的) scientific knowledge, a(n) ________ from 8.2 percent in 2022.

a. improve                b. number         c. result             d. increase



考查名词词义辨析。improve改善;number号码;result结果;increase增长。根据“more than10 percent of chinese citizens”以及“from 6.2 percent in 2022”可知,此处是指比2015年的6.2%有所增长,故选d

31peter is interested in reading books about animals and plants. he has a real ______ of animalsbirds and flowers. 




courage"勇气"knowledge"知识,学问"energy"活力,精力"experience"经历,经验";根据题意"彼得对阅读有关动植物的书感兴趣",可推测"他对动物、鸟类和花卉非常了解"" have a real knowledge  of 对什么有真正的了解",所以knowledge符合要求。所以选:b

32a sudden windfallwhich makes a man get rich quicklymay break the balance of a person's life.

"windfall" in the sentence means ______.




33to spread our traditional culturemany teenagers came up with new      .for examplesuansuana college studenthas posted over 50 videos on bilibili to show her love for our culture. 

amethodsbmessagescmeanings          dmedicines


【解析】句意:为了传播我们的传统文化,许多青少年想出了新的方法。例如,大学生suansuanbilibili上发布了50多个视频,以表达她对我们文化的热爱。methods方法;messages消息;meanings意义;medicines药物。根据for examplesuansuana college studenthas posted over 50 videos on bilibili to show her love for our culture."例如,大学生suansuanbilibili上发布了50多个视频,以表达她对我们文化的热爱" ,可知,此处是说想出新的方法。所以选:a

34the little girl has such a good ______ that she can keep the names of all her classmates in mind on the first day at school.




考查名词辨析。experience经历;suggestion建议;collection收藏品;memory记忆力。根据"she can keep the names of all her classmates in mind on the first day at school.""第一天上学就可以记住所有同学的名字。"可知,这个小女孩的记忆力很好,因此用"memory"符合题意。所以选:d

35.﹣have you been to harry's __________ yet

yes. i couldn't help singing and dancing along with him.




﹣是的。我忍不住和他一起唱歌跳舞。areport报告; bconcert 音乐会; cclass  课;dspeech演讲。根据下句我忍不住和他一起唱歌跳舞。可知上句句意是你去过哈里的音乐会了吗 ?harry's  concert 哈里的音乐会。所以选:b

36if you don't know how to fix the machinejust follow the______ 

aintroductions       bresolutionscpredictions          dinstructions




37.though zhong nanshan is in his eightieshe makes great __________ to the medical development

i can't agree morehe is my hero

acelebration          bconversationccontribution    dcollection




38i've come to the ______ that lydia is the right person to make friends withshe is friendlyhelpful and honest

ainformationbdirection   cconclusion         dinvitation



本题考查名词辨析.information信息;direction方向;conclusion结论;invitation邀请.come to the conclusion得出结论.符合语境.此处表示:我得出了结论,莉迪亚就是那个值得交朋友的人.所以选:c

39we need courage to face the ________so be brave enough! 




spirit精神;ability能力;wealth财富;difficulty困难。根据"we need courage to face the"可知需要勇气面对困难。所以选:d

40spending more time together helps to improve the ________ between parents and kids.

aenvironment        brelationship  cpreparation   dactivities




41although the match is moving in an unexpected_____our team will win finallyi believe. 

ainstruction          bintroduction cposition        ddirection




42paul keeps doing sports every dayso he is always full of       . 




change零钱、变化;knowledge知识;energy精力、活力;courage勇气。根据"paul keeps doing sports every day"保罗每天坚持运动,因此推测他总是"精力"充沛,所以选energy所以选:c

43.the queqiao satellite (卫星) has been a ________ bridge between the earth and the moon. 

acompetition        bcontribution ccelebration          dcommunication



competition比赛;contribution贡献;celebration庆祝;communication通信。根据"between the earth and the moon"可知,卫星负责地球和月球之间的通信。所以d

44at the beginning of his first classmr. wang gave us a general ________ about chemistry.

aattention         bconversation  cdirection         dintroduction




45. to tell you the truthi don't want to join in the singing competition

come onyou just need more practice to build up your              

achallenge          bconfidencecdevelopment    denergy




b 形容词副词辨异

1. (2023·武汉) —mary is ________ about what she eats. she never has junk food.

—a good habit.

a. carefulb. angryc. nervousd. relaxed



考查形容词辨析。careful小心的;angry生气的;nervous紧张的;relaxed放松的。根据“she never has junk food”可知她不吃垃圾食品,所以对自己吃的东西非常小心。故选a

2. (2023·湖北荆州) —the food in the restaurant is great, isn’t it?

—yes, it’s fine. i just don’t like the environment. the music is too _______.

a. talentedb. usefulc. noisyd. beautiful



考查形容词辨析。talented有天赋的;useful有用的;noisy吵闹的;beautiful美丽的。根据“i just don’t like the environment. the music is too”可知音乐太吵闹了,所以这里环境不好。故选c

3. (2023·湖北荆州) —the girls are talking about the art festival _______.

—yes, they have so many fun things to share.

a. suddenlyb. sadlyc. badlyd. happily



考查副词辨析。suddenly突然地;sadly难过地;badly严重地;happily开心地。根据“they have so many fun things to share”,可知她们应该很开心,故选d

4. (2023·湖北黄石) in switzerland, keeping only one goldfish isn’t allowed, because it is very bad to make such ________ animals live alone.

a. luckyb. socialc. patientd. dangerous



考查形容词辨析。lucky幸运的;social合群的;patient耐心的;dangerous危险的。根据“it is very bad to make such...animals live alone.”可知让群居性动物单独生活是很糟糕的,social符合语境。故选b

5 (2023·江苏扬州)—i like your teapot. it has a very funny but interesting shape.

—thank you. it’s a work of art, but it is also ________ for tea making.

a. naturalb. practicalc. equald. general



考查形容词辨析。natural自然的;practical适用的,实际的;equal平等的;general普遍的。根据“it’s a work of art, but it is also...for tea making.”可知是指茶壶是一件艺术品,也适用于泡茶。故选b

6. (2023·江苏无锡)dressing up as a ghost is ________ unusual in our culture. people think it will bring bad luck.

a. hardlyb. hardc. highlyd. high



考查词汇辨析。hardly几乎不;hard困难的,努力地;highly非常;high高的。根据“people think it will bring bad luck.”可知,扮鬼在中国文化中是非常不寻常的,highly unusual“极不寻常,副词highly修饰形容词unusual。故选c

7. (2023·安徽)— camping trips in spring have become very ________ in southern china.

— exactly. that’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.

a. hotb. safec. cheapd. hard



考查形容词辨析。hot热门的,流行的;safe安全的;cheap便宜的;hard艰难的。根据“that’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.”可知,南方温暖的天气和较早的花期让露营旅行变得流行。故选a

8. (2023·安徽)from my childhood, i ________ remember my parents working hard day and night.

a. clearlyb. patientlyc. suddenlyd. politely



考查副词辨析。clearly清楚地;patiently耐心地;suddenly突然地;politely有礼貌地。空处副词修饰“remember”,结合“from my childhood”可知,表示清楚地记得父母辛苦工作的情景。故选a

9. (2023·沈阳)the delicious food and ________ waiters made us happy with the restaurant.

a. slowb. tiredc. awfuld. polite



考查形容词辨析。slow缓慢的;tired疲劳的;awful让人讨厌的;polite有礼貌的。根据“made us happy with the restaurant”可知令人满意的应是礼貌的服务员。故选d

10(2023·山东滨州) —how amazing chatgpt is!

—yes. the new invention makes it quite ________ for people to write papers and stories.

a. lateb. simplec. naturald. difficult



考查形容词辨析。late晚的;simple简单的;natural自然的;difficult困难的。根据“for people to write papers and stories.”可知chatgpt让写论文和写故事变得简单。故选b

11. (2023·山东滨州) —father’s day is around the corner, but i don’t have money to buy a gift for my dad.

—why not make a card by yourself? he will ________ love it.

a. widelyb. smoothlyc. hardlyd. certainly



考查副词辨析。widely普遍地;smoothly平滑地;hardly几乎不;certainly肯定。根据“why not make a card by yourself? he will...love it”可知你爸爸一定会喜欢你自己制作的礼物。故选d

12. (2023·山东青岛)it was reported that visitors were ________ on may day this year.

a. everywhereb. anywherec. somewhered. nowhere



考查副词辨析。everywhere到处都是;anywhere任何地方;somewhere某地;nowhere无处。根据“visitors were ... on may day this year”结合常识可知五一到处都是游客。故选a

13. (2023·山东青岛) we should eat ________ fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.

a. freeb. freshc. softd. sweet



考查形容词辨析。free免费的;fresh新鲜的;soft柔软的;sweet甜的。根据“we should eat...fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.”可知,吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜来保持健康。故选b

14. (2023·山东青岛)tom, an english doctor, hopes to go ________ for vacation. china is his first choice.

a. backb. downc. abroadd. up



考查副词辨析。back返回;down向下;abroad出国;up向上。根据“tom, an english doctor, hopes to go...for vacation. china is his first choice.”可知,是希望出国度假,故选c

15learn ________ , and you will be a successful learner.




考查副词辨析。wisely明智地;lazily懒惰地;quickly迅速地、快地;blindly盲目地。根据后句“and you will be a successful learner.”可推知,应是明智地学习。故选a

16.the story that my father told me is very       . i don’t want to listen to it again. 

a. scary          b. scared         c. excited       d. exciting


【解析】scary 恐怖的。scared 恐怖的。一般形容人的情感。感到恐怖的故答案选a

17.—what time is it now?

—i can’t tell you the time ________, but i know it’s too late.





考查副词辨析。exactly准确地;suddenly突然地;politely有礼貌地;wisely明智地。根据后面“but i know it's too late”可知,此处是表达不能告诉你确切的时间。故选a

18. mr. green's lessons are so _______ that the whole class enjoys working with him.

a. lively                     b. meaningless         c. usual               d. traditional


【解析】本小题考查形容词词义辨析。lively意为生气勃勃的meaningless意为毫无意义的usual意为通常的;寻常的traditional意为传统的。根据题干后半句全班同学都喜欢上他的课可知,mr. green的课不枯燥,课堂气氛生气勃勃,故选a

19. 2023·江苏宿迁一模)the boy used to be shy, but now he is getting more ________ and willing to take part in school activities.

a. activeb. curiousc. creatived. friendly



考查形容词辨析。active活跃的;curious好奇的;creative有创意的;friendly友好的。根据“the boy used to be shy, but now he is getting more...and willing to take part in school activities.”可知,过去害羞,现在活跃,故选a

20. 2023·苏州一模) you’d better draw a mind map of the key information while preparing for the report. ________ you may forget some easily.

a. howeverb. moreoverc. otherwised. instead



考查副词辨析。however然而;moreover此外;otherwise否则;instead相反。根据“you’d better draw a mind map of the key information while preparing for the report...you may forget some easily.”可知,前后两句是转折关系。however表示转折,后接句子需用逗号;otherwise表示转折,直接接句子,表示转折后带来的结果;instead表示转折,意思不符合。故选c

21. 2023·江苏杨州一模)—have you watched the film “all river red” (满江红) during the spring festival?

—yes. it is very ________ among people of different ages.

a. popularb. practicalc. pleasantd. powerful



考查形容词辨析。popular受欢迎的;practical实际的;pleasant愉快的;powerful强大的。根据“it is very… among people of different ages”可知,此处指这部电影在不同年龄的人群中很受欢迎,故选a

22. 2023·江苏杨州一模)—a sudden stop can be a very frightening experience.

—i can’t agree more. _______ when you are travelling at high speed.

a. simplyb. exactlyc. speciallyd. especially



考查副词辨析。simply简单地;exactly确切地;specially专门地;especially尤其。根据“i can’t agree more.”可知,我同意对方的观点,由此推测后文是对该观点进一步的补充说明,especially在此处符合语境。故选d

23. failure is a ________ part of the inventing. still, many great scientists never give up.

a. excitingb. commonc. populard. practical



考查形容词辨析。exciting令人激动的;common常见的;popular受欢迎的;practical实际的。根据“failure is a...part of the inventing. still, many great scientists never give up”可知失败是常见的。故选b

24. mr. green's lessons are so _______ that the whole class enjoys working with him.

a. lively                     b. meaningless         c. usual               d. traditional


【解析】本小题考查形容词词义辨析。lively意为生气勃勃的meaningless意为毫无意义的usual意为通常的;寻常的traditional意为传统的。根据题干后半句全班同学都喜欢上他的课可知,mr. green的课不枯燥,课堂气氛生气勃勃,故选a

25.—as we know, it’s difficult to live in the foreign country.

_____ if you don’t understand the local language.



【解析】句意:--- 正如我们知道的,生活在国外是很困难的。--- 尤其如果你不懂得当地的语言时。根据句意,结合副词区别:generally,普遍,一般;naturally,自然地;exactly,恰当地;especially,尤其。故答案为d.

26. many big events happened this year. the missing of flight made us especially __________.

a. concerned            b. special             c. proper     d. excited



考查形容词辨析。concerned担心的;special特殊的;proper适当的;excited激动的。根据“the missing of flight”可知,这使我们特别担心。故选a

27.it’s _________ of yang xiangming to save the boy who fell into the river

a. patientb. energeticc. braved. confident



考查形容词辨析。a. patient 有耐心的;b. energetic精力充沛的;c. brave勇敢的;d. confident有信心的。结合句意,他救了那个掉进河里的男孩可推知他是个勇敢的人,brave符合语境,故选c

28. —he often replies to his daughter’s message          after he receives it.

—there’s nothing strange about that. she is the person he cares most about.

a. immediatelyb. slowlyc. quietlyd. suddenly



考查副词的辨析。immediately“立即slowly“慢慢地quietly“安静地suddenly“突然地。根据“she is the person he cares most about.”可知,女儿是他最关心的人,推测他收到女儿的信息应该会立即回复。故选a

29. —mrs. cook gives her family the best tasty food, putting her heart and love into every meal.

—yeah. she always cooks the ________ meals.

a. proper                b. normal            c. common        d. simple



考查形容词辨析。proper恰当的,像样的;normal正常的,普通的;common常见的,普通的;simple简单的。根据“mrs. cook gives her family the best tasty food, putting her heart and love into every meal.”可知,库克夫人做的饭菜很好吃,她很用心。所以“she always cooks the...meals.”应是表示她做的饭菜很丰富,proper符合语境。故选a

30. recently, a song called lonely warrior has become very popular, ________ among those in kindergarten or primary school.

a. nearly                   b. closely           c. especially        d. simply



考查副词辨析。nearly几乎,差不多;closely严密地;especially尤其,特别;simply仅仅。根据“among those in kindergarten or primary school”可知,此处使用especially,表示强调。故选c

31—father’s day is around the corner, but i don’t have money to buy a gift for my dad.

—why not make a card by yourself? he will ________ love it.

awidely bsmoothly         chardly            dcertainly



考查副词辨析。widely普遍地;smoothly平滑地;hardly几乎不;certainly肯定。根据“why not make a card by yourself? he will...love it”可知你爸爸一定会喜欢你自己制作的礼物。故选d

32— why do you hardly make mistakes?

— because i do everything very _______.

acarelessly          bunluckily         ccarefully          dcomfortably



考查副词辨析。carelessly粗心地;unluckily不幸地;carefully仔细地;comfortably舒服地。根据“why do you hardly make mistakes?”可知几乎从不犯错,而不犯错的原因应是做事仔细。故选c

33. the sport is really difficult to learn ________ for beginners.

aprobably bactually              cespecially       dmostly



考查副词辨析。probably可能;actually实际上;especially尤其;mostly大部分地。根据“the sport is really difficult to learn…for beginners.”可知,此处应用especially“尤其强调对初学者的难度。故选c

34my parents always say that time is money. and i am always told to plan my time ________.

abravely            bsilently             cproperly           dproudly



考查副词辨析。bravely勇敢;silently默默地;properly适当地,正确地;proudly骄傲地。根据前一句“my parents always say that time is money.”可知,父母觉得时间就是金钱,所以,此处应是要正确计划时间。故选c

35—how should we talk to those kids with hearing problems?

—we’d better speak to them ______ so that they can understand us more easily.

abravely       bslowly           ctruly               dseriously



考查副词词义辨析。bravely勇敢地;slowly慢慢地;truly真地;seriously严肃地。由句中“so that they can understand us more easily”知,此句是说我们最好跟他们说慢点,故选b

36. —how do you have such a large vocabulary?

—you need to use your break time ________.

awisely       bdirectly     cseriously               dcompletely



考查副词词义辨析。wisely明智地;directly直接地;seriously严肃地;completely完全地。根据语境“you need to use your break time”可知明智地利用休息时间符合题意。故选a

37. miss hale is helpful and patient. it makes her one of the most ________ teachers at school.

a. popularb. strictc. actived. serious



考查形容词辨析。popular受欢迎的;strict严格的;active积极的;serious严肃的,根据“miss hale is helpful and patient.”可知,她是学校最受欢迎的老师之一,故选a

38. —come on, helen! it’s not _________ to keep your classmates waiting outside for so long on such a cold day.

—sorry, mom. i’m starting out.

a. commonb. meaningfulc. normald. polite



考查形容词辨析。common普通的;meaningful有意义的;normal平常的;polite礼貌的。根据“it’s not...to keep your classmates waiting outside for so long on such a cold day.”可知此处指让同学等是不礼貌的。故选d

39. the doctor was ________ enough to spend lots of time telling us how to prevent covid-.

a. popularb. talentedc. intelligentd. patient



考查形容词辨析。popular流行的;talented有天赋的;intelligent聪明的;patient耐心的。根据“spend lots of time telling us”可知医生花了很多时间,所以医生是很有耐心的,故选d

40. —can you tell the kind of meat here? mutton and beef look quite ________.

—sure. just smell can help you.

a. properb. normalc. correctd. similar



考查形容词辨析。proper恰当的;normal正常的;correct正确的;similar相似的。根据“can you tell the kind of meat here?”以及“just smell can help you.”可知,羊肉和牛肉看起来很相似,故选d

41. —listen! the boy is using two chopsticks and several bowls to play the smooth music on douying.

— that’s really amazing! he is so ________.

a. energeticb. normalc. seriousd. creative


【解析】句意:——听!那个男孩在抖音上用两只筷子和几个碗就能演奏出悦耳的乐曲。 ——那真得令人惊奇!他是如此的有创新意识。

考查形容词辨析。 energetic有活力的;normal正常的;serious严肃的;creative有创造性的,有创新的;根据“that’s really amazing!”可知,这是令人惊讶的事,因此是有创新的特点,故选d

42. —are you relaxing yourself here?

—yes. it’s ________ to take a walk slowly with my parents.

a. fantasticb. boringc. impossibled. terrible



考查形容词辨析。fantastic极好的;boring无聊的;impossible不可能的;terrible可怕的。根据“are you relaxing yourself here?”“yes”可知,在这里很放松,说明和父母一起慢慢散步很好。故选a

c 动词辨异

1. (2023·武汉) — the hair product is being ________ at present.

— you mean if it’s up to the standard, it will be put on the market soon.

a. usedb. testedc. shownd. sold



考查动词辨析。used使用;tested测试;shown展示;sold卖。根据“if it’s up to the standard, it will be put on the market soon”可知如果达到标准,就会上市,可见现在还在测试中。故选b

2. (2023·湖北荆州) —hangzhou will hold the 19th asian games from september 23 to october 8, 2023.

—right. players will _______ in forty sports, such as swimming, table tennis and volleyball.

a. competeb. believec. imagined. advise



考查动词辨析。compete参加比赛;believe相信;imagine想象;advise建议。根据“players will…in forty sports,”可知,运动员应该是参加比赛,compete符合题意。故选a

3. (2023·武汉) — sally ________ into the role of our group leader.

— really? i’m expecting fresh air and new ideas from her.

a. ranb. brokec. steppedd. looked



考查动词辨析。run into偶然遇到;break into打断;step into涉足;look into调查。step into the role of“担任……的角色,固定用法。故选c

4. (2023·湖北黄石) in april, the weather in some places in hubei is really changeable. people may ________ four seasons in one week.

a. organizeb. describec. checkd. experience



考查动词辨析。organize组织;describe描述;check检查;experience经历。根据“the weather in some places in hubei is really changeable.”可知,天气很多变的话可能一周内会经历四个季节,故选d

5. (2023·江苏扬州) we don’t ________ much from the kids because they can’t understand the value of this work.

a. expressb. excusec. expectd. explain



考查动词辨析。express表达;excuse原谅;expect要求,指望;explain解释。根据“because they can’t understand the value of this work.”可知,不能对孩子有太高的期望,故选c

6. (2023·江苏无锡) —let’s go and get something to eat. what do you ________?

—how about fish and chips?

a. suggestb. imaginec. supposed. insist



考查动词辨析。suggest建议;imagine想象;suppose设想;insist坚持。根据“how about fish and chips”可知,询问对方的建议,故选a

7. (2023·沈阳) when autumn comes, leaves start to ________ from the trees.

a. growb. fallc. appeard. come



考查动词辨析。grow成长;fall落下;appear出现;come来。根据“when autumn comes”结合常识可知秋天树叶会落下。故选b

8. (2023·山东滨州)—our parents often ________us not to talk with strangers on the internet.

—that’s true. as teenagers, we should learn to protect ourselves.

a. warnb. invitec. controld. promise



考查动词辨析。warn警告;invite邀请;control控制;promise承诺。根据“us not to talk with strangers on the internet”可知是警告我们不要和陌生人交谈。故选a

9.—is taylor swift the most popular country music singer?

—i ________ so. she has won so many awards and her concerts are the most popular.

a. hopeb. doubtc. supposed. imagine



考查动词辨析及情景交际。hope希望;doubt怀疑;suppose猜想,认为;imagine想象。根据答语“she has won so many awards and her concerts are the most popular”可知,此处应是我认为泰勒是最受欢迎的乡村音乐歌手,故此处应为suppose猜想,认为。故选c

102023·江苏泰州一模) —how long does it take to get to taizhou from nanjing by train?

—maybe one hour. but why not ________ it on baidu?

a. fixb. designc. lookd. check



考查动词辨析。fix固定;design设计;look看;check确认,核对。根据“...it on baidu”可知是在百度上核查一下,故选d

11. nobody believes jack because he always ________ others.

a. cheatb. considerc. helpd. dislike



考查动词词义辨析。cheat欺骗;consider认为;help帮助;dislike不喜欢。根据“nobody believes jack”可知,他总是欺骗别人。故选a

12. —the________you wrote about the film is wonderful.


a. renew              b. review            c. recycle        d. reuse


【解析】句意:你写的电影评论很精彩。renew意为更新 review意为"评论recycle意为"再利用reuse意为"重用。根据句意可知选b

13. 2023·江苏苏州一模)—no way, i won’t sleep in this sleeping bag.

—so what do you ________, mark? it’s a camp, not a hotel.

a. expectb. wishc. suggestd. imagine



考查动词。expect期待;wish希望;suggest建议;imagine想象。根据“it’s a camp, not a hotel”可知,不同意对方说的,让他认清现实,“what do you expect”符合语境。故选a

14. —dinner is ready. help yourself, please!

—wow! it _________ delicious.

a. tastesb. soundsc. turnsd. gets




15. 2023·安徽江淮一模) —how much is the computer? is it expensive?

—no, it’s not too expensive. it only _______ me 300 dollars.

a. costb. lostc. spentd. took



考查动词辨析。lose丢失;costspendtake都有花费之意。动词spend的主语应该是take花费时间做某事,主语是it;只有cost的主语是,常用于表示花钱。此处itthe computer,指物,应用cost。故选a

16. (2023·安徽黄山一模)the newly-opened supermarket ________ the local people with more chances to work.

a. offersb. givesc. providesd. shows



考查动词辨析。offers提供;gives给;provides提供;shows展示。根据“…the local people with more chances”可知,应说这家新开张的公司为当地人提供了更多的工作机会,此处是provide sb with sth“为某人提供某物。故选c

17. 2023·江苏锡山一模)the bbc documentary du fu: china’s greatest poet _________ du to william shakespeare, one of the greatest writers of the west. 

a. considersb. connectsc. comparesd. complains



考查动词辨析。considers考虑;connects连接;compares比较;complains抱怨。根据“du to william shakespeare”可知此处用compare ... to表示……相比较,把……比作,此处指把杜甫比作莎士比亚。故选c

18. 2023·江苏锡山一模) —i hear you’re organizing a trip to the game next week. _________ me in!

—no problem. just keep in touch on wechat.

a. matterb. leavec. countd. mind



考查动词辨析。matter事关紧要;leave离开;count……算入;mind介意。根据“i hear you’re organizing a trip to the game next week...me in”以及“no problem”可知是去旅行的时候把我算上,count sb. in“把某人算在内。故选c

19 2023·江苏泰州一模)—how long does it take to get to taizhou from nanjing by train?

—maybe one hour. but why not ________ it on baidu?

a. fixb. designc. lookd. check



考查动词辨析。fix固定;design设计;look看;check确认,核对。根据“...it on baidu”可知是在百度上核查一下,故选d

20. 2023·江苏苏州一模)—no way, i won’t sleep in this sleeping bag.

—so what do you ________, mark? it’s a camp, not a hotel.

a. expectb. wishc. suggestd. imagine



考查动词。expect期待;wish希望;suggest建议;imagine想象。根据“it’s a camp, not a hotel”可知,不同意对方说的,让他认清现实,“what do you expect”符合语境。故选a

21. you don’t need to ________ yourself with others. believe in yourself.




考查动词辨析。correct纠正;connect联系;compare比较;communicate沟通。根据“you don’t need to…yourself with others. believe in yourself.”可知,是要相信自己,不用和别人比较,compare…with…“……比较。故选c

22. schools should ________ students to form good working habits through labor(劳动) education.

a. force b. encouragec. warnd. promise



考查动词辨析。force强迫;encourage鼓励;warn警告;promise许诺。根据“schools should...students to form good working habits through labor(劳动) education.”可知,是鼓励学生通过劳动教育形成良好的工作习惯。故选b

23. the huge fire ______ the whole factory and killed 121 workers.

a. kept            b. protected      c. destroyed        d. damaged


【解析】a.保持 b.保护  c.销毁 摧毁。d.损坏。c符合题意。

24. —why do you like this hotel?

—because it can _______ customers with best service.

a. provides        b. serve      c. state       d. offer


【解析】provide 提供,一般指免费提供物品。 serve 服务,提供。c 陈述 阐述。 offer 提供 offer sb. sth. 不用‘with’

25. when simon ________ that there was a new student in the classroom, he said hello to her.

a. noticed b. promised             c. planned            d. decided



考查动词词义辨析。noticed注意到;promised承诺;planned计划;decided决定。根据“there was a new student in the classroom, he said hello to her.”可知,应是注意到有个新生。故选a

26. don’t throw away the waste paper. it needs ________.

a. takingb. recyclingc. keepingd. remaining



考查动词辨析。taking拿;recycling回收;keeping保持;remaining遗留;分析“don’t throw away the waste paper. it needs…”可知,废纸可以被回收,故选b

27. he has _____ from a poor young man to a successful business man.

a. raised         b. spread     c. traded           d. risen


【解析】他已从一个贫穷的年轻人成长为一个成功的商人。raise 及物动词。后面要接宾语。rise不及物动词。

28. the news of victory ________ quickly and everyone in the town was very excited.

a. recordedb. discussedc. spreadd. polluted



考查动词。recorded记录;discussed讨论;spread传播;polluted污染。根据“the news of victory”可知表达消息的扩散,用动词“spread”。故选c

29. if you always___________ yourself with others, you may have tons of pressure.

i agree. we should believe in ourselves.

a. compare             b. complain            c. connect            d. consider


【解析】考查词语辨异。a. compare比较     b. complain 抱怨  c. connect  连接     d. consider考虑


30. they all             why the little girl could sing so difficult an english song.

a. wondered     b. believed       c. wanted          d. expected



31. the female scientist yan ning ________ to leave the us and return to china in november 2022. the news caught many people’s attention.




考查动词辨析。preferred更喜欢;warned警告;proved证明;announced宣布。根据“...to leave the us and return to china in november 2022.”可知此处指宣布一个消息。故选d

32.although chinese people like the color red, they try to ________ writing one’s name in red.





33.i am determined to study harder to _______ my dream.




考查动词辨析。achieve实现;discover发现;refuse拒绝;prefer偏爱。根据“i am determined to study harder to...my dream.”可知,此处指更加努力地学习来实现我的梦想。 故选a

34.—the report says one of the organizers is still __________ by the police.

—if i find the organizer, i will report it to the police at once.

acaught  bwantedcmisseddquestioned



考查动词辨析。caught抓住;wanted被通缉;missed错过;questioned提问。根据“if i find the organizer, i will report it to the police at once”可知如果我找到组织者,我会立即向警方报案,因此是仍被通缉。故选b

35.—do you think karen will be a great doctor?

—in fact, being a doctor ________ carefulness, but she is careless sometimes.




考查动词辨析。covered覆盖;remained保持;lasted持续;showed展示。根据“…about 3 hoursbut no one left early”可知指的是电影持续三小时都没人提前离开。故选c

36.—what do you think of the movie avatar: the way of water?

—great. it _________ about 3 hours, but no one left early.

acoveredbremained         clasteddshowed




37.—you may borrow some money from your friend tom.

—forget it. tom and i just met a couple of times, but we don’t really _________.




考查动词辨析。care关心;spare留出;cover覆盖;connect联系。由“tom and i just met a couple of times, but we don’t really”可知,此处是说他们虽然是朋友,但是联络很少。故选d

38. liu cixin, a science fiction writer, has ________ the world with his imaginative works, such as the wandering earth series and three bodies.

aexpressedbimpressedcsucceeded       dpresented



考查动词辨析。expressed表达;impressed使印象深刻;succeeded成功;presented呈现。根据“the world with his imaginative works”可知他富有想象力的作品给世界留下了深刻的印象。故选b

39. —do you think john can win a prize in the wuhan marathon?

—impossible now. he was ________ to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.




考查动词辨析。advised建议;required需要;supposed应该;requested要求。根据“he was … to do so, but he has just hurt his leg”可知,本来应该要获奖的,但是腿受伤了,故选c

41.—since the taxi drivers work all day long, do you have some suggestions to help them feel more relaxed?

—maybe they should get a seat belt that ________ them greater freedom.




考查动词辨析。agree同意;attract吸引;accept接受;allow给予。由“they should get a seat belt that…them greater freedom”可知,让他们使用有更大自由度的安全带。故选d

42. i couldn’t remember where i’d seen that man before, and then it suddenly ________ me. he was my desk-mate i haven’t seen for seven years!




考查动词辨析。beat击败;mentioned提到;noticed注意;hit使突然想起,根据“it suddenly hit sb.”意为使某人突然想起,故选d

43. —although he was really disappointed, he________ a weak smile.

—he was always caring about others’ feelings.




考查动词辨析。suggested建议;managed设法做到,勉力做到;pushed强迫;created创造。根据“although he was really disappointed, he...a weak smile.”可知,although引导让步状语从句,表示虽然很失望,但还是勉强挤出一丝微笑,managed符合语境。故选b

44.song of auturnnby liu yuxi describes autumn in a different way.

—i agree. most poets (诗人) describe this season to ________ a feeling of sadness, but in liu’s eyes autumn is full of life and hope.




考查动词辨析。excuse原谅,宽恕;express表达;expect期盼;explain解释。根据空前的“describe this season描述这个季节及空后的“a feeling of sadness悲伤的感觉可知,此处是说表达一种悲伤的感觉。表达express符合语境。故选b

45. give me the name of one of your relatives who can be ________ if you want to join us.

aconfirmedbcontactedccommunicated    dconnected



考查动词辨析。confirmed证实;contacted联系;communicated交流;connected连接。根据“give me the name of one of your relatives who can be”可知,这里是可以和你联系的亲戚的名字。故选b




最后编辑于:2024/3/23 拔丝英语网


