






(if you're in the bedroom)


do not drill under the bed: the collapse of the house after the earthquake will sometimes form a triangular space indoors, these places are relatively safe for people to survive, can be called earthquake space, which includes under the edge of the bed, under the solid furniture, interior walls, wall roots, corners and other openings in small places. in the past, people thought it was safest to drill under the bed, but under the bed can hide but not escape, not the best place to hide.


avoid hanging objects above your head: choose a place where there are no hanging objects above and no power plugs nearby to prevent injuries caused by falling objects above and secondary disasters caused by power cord fires.


closets are never allowed to go in: during the tangshan earthquake, someone went into a closet to hide, and when the rescue team found them a few days later, the person was intact, but ended up suffocating.


open the door: the hiding place is close to the door, the door is best to open, you can back on the door frame, hands over the head, to be ready to move at any time when the earthquake is over, to prepare for the escape of the living road.



(if you're in the living room)


think of the living room as a transfer zone: modern people have become affluent, and with the emergence of the spacious and bright new-style living room, its function is changing to become an area for daily meeting and relaxation. the living room is the place where there are no piles of things in all directions. in an earthquake, the living room should be treated as a safe transfer zone.


escape gear should be placed in the living room in an obvious place: chinese people traditionally lock the escape gear in the depths of the cabinet, once used but not play a role. escape gear should be placed in the living room in an obvious place, so that people in each room can easily pick up and run.



(if you're in the bathroom)


this is the safest place: if you happen to be in the bathroom when an earthquake occurs, congratulations, your chances of survival are much better. during an earthquake, the smaller the scale of the room, the safer it is, and the larger the scale, the more likely it is to collapse. the bathroom wall is mostly load-bearing wall, the roof falling objects less, relatively safer.


the water source is important: guarding the water source is a great advantage of the bathroom, tangshan earthquake, some people rely on water to maintain a long time.


people do not pile up: we all know that the bathroom is the safest, but when an earthquake occurs, do not the whole family together to hide in the bathroom, scattered hiding can increase the chances of survival. because, where the safest earthquake is not certain, only relative safety, people scattered hiding means that there is always someone outside in case of emergency, can be immediately after the earthquake rescue.



if you're in a tall building)


stay away from windows in high-rise buildings: in an earthquake, the wall facing the road in a high-rise building is very unstable, and windows in high-rise buildings are even more important to stay away from. nowadays, the building is generally a frame structure, the role played by the brick is to isolate the wind and rain, but not load-bearing. during an earthquake, the frame is often in, the wall is gone, if people hide under the window, it is easy to be thrown out.


never take the elevator: when an earthquake occurs, never use the elevator. once the power goes out, you will be stuck in the elevator if you can't get up or down. in case of an earthquake while riding in an elevator, press all the buttons for each floor on the operation panel, and once it stops, quickly leave the elevator and evacuate after confirming that it is safe to do so.


where to run depends on the situation: do you have to run downhill after an earthquake? the answer is not necessarily. especially in the high floors of households, where to run the principle should be close to the ground - close to the ground to run, close to the roof to run to the roof, in short, "to see the sky to see the ground" are able to contact with the outside world, relatively safer.


confirmation of escape routes or over-fire passages: when escaping, always take the escape routes. the tall building itself is a fire puller, nowadays, some of the tall buildings in the design, some designed a special over-fire channel, is used to evacuate the fire, must be clearly distinguishable.



(if you're in a bungalow)


falling objects are the most dangerous indoors: people living in bungalows who are indoors at the time of an earthquake should immediately take cover along the edge of the bed, under the roots of the wall, under the table and under the bed. try to protect your head with objects around you, such as quilts and pillows. because of the narrow space in the cottage, there are many things in the house and they are placed in high places, which can easily cause injuries from falling during an earthquake.



(suppose you're in school)


desks are lifesavers: if an earthquake occurs while you are attending school, quickly hold your head and hide under your respective desk as directed by the teacher.


evacuate in an orderly manner away from the corner of the building: after the earthquake, you should follow the usual escape training and transfer to the outside of the classroom in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the teacher. in the process of evacuation, stampedes are most likely to occur at the corners of the stairs, so pass through them in an orderly manner.


playgrounds are the safest: when in a playground or outside, crouch down in place, protect your head with your hands, and be careful to avoid tall buildings or hazards.



(say you're in a car)


never hide in your car: cars may look sturdy, but they are really just a thin layer that can't take a beating. in the event of a major earthquake, if you are driving, the car will be like a tire deflated, unable to grasp the steering wheel, difficult to drive. at this time, you should avoid intersections to stop the car by the side of the road, and then immediately get out of the car holding your head and crouching on the side of the car.



(if you're in a public place)


don't panic and rush to the exits: the ability to escape depends on the existence of a good system. in the aftermath of an earthquake, public places are dark and howls of panic are heard everywhere. don't rush to the exits, avoid the crowds and avoid being pushed against walls or fences.


hide near a large pillar: instead of rushing around, crouch down on the spot or lie down under a row of chairs, avoid hanging objects such as chandeliers and fans, and protect your head. in shopping malls, bookstores, exhibition halls, subways, etc. you should choose to crouch on the spot by sturdy counters or pillars and inside corners.



(if you're outdoors)


choose the nearest open space: crouch or lie down immediately to avoid falling; do not run around and avoid crowded places.


avoid tall buildings: avoid buildings, especially tall buildings with glass curtain walls; don't stay above and below overpasses and overpasses.



(if you're at the beach)


the higher, the better, and the farther away: there is a danger of encountering a tsunami near the coast. if you sense an earthquake or hear a tsunami warning, move as quickly as possible away from the coastline to avoid a possible tsunami from an earthquake, and run to higher ground, the higher the better. if you are on a boat at the time of the tsunami, then go with the boat to the deeper sea, as tsunamis are more dangerous the further to the side you go. in short, either go higher or farther away.


地震 earthquake / quake

震中 epicenter

震源 hypocenter

震级 magnitude

震动 (也指较小的地震) tremor(n.)

余震 aftershocks

里氏震级 richter scale (1-10)

地震监控 earthquake monitoring


困住 trap

坍塌 collapse

袭击 hit

突然发生 strike

摇动 shake

使颠簸,摇晃 jolt

破坏,毁坏damage< destroy<shatter<devastate






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最后编辑于:2024/3/23 拔丝英语网


