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thai king reinstates his royal consort
after declaring her 'untainted'


king maha vajiralongkorn of thailand is welcoming his consort back into the royal household, a surprise move that comes as the country is in the throes of an unprecedented protest movement calling for reforms to both government and the monarchy.
the thai royal household said in an official notice that all titles, military ranks and decorations were returned to sineenat wongvajirapakdi after she was found "untainted," implying that she was innocent of previous accusations.

she was accused nearly a year ago of trying to usurp power and prestige from the queen. sineenat, 35, had previously attempted to obstruct the king's wife, queen suthida vajiralongkorn na ayudhya from being crowned, and had asked to be appointed to the role instead, a royal notice at the time said.

"it is regarded as if she was not stripped of her royal status, her royal military position and military rank and all her royal decorations were never recalled before," the latest announcement read.

sineenat is the first royal consort in nearly a century. she was a former army nurse who served in the king's royal bodyguard unit, and held the military ranking of major general. she spent time in the military undertaking courses in jungle warfare and piloting, according to state broadcaster thai pbs.


king maha vajiralongkorn of thailand is welcoming his

consort back into the royal household, a surprise move that comes as the country is in the throes of an unprecedented protest movement calling for reforms to both government and the monarchy.在泰国爆发了一场史无前例的抗议活动(旨在对政府及君主制进行改革)之际,泰国国王玛哈·哇集拉隆功却出人意料地迎接其贵妃回归王室。

the thai royal household said in an official notice that all titles, military ranks and decorations were returned to sineenat wongvajirapakdi after she was found "

untainted," implying that she was innocent of previous accusations.泰国王室在一份官方通告中表示,在证明诗妮娜·披拉萨甘娅妮“无罪”后,其所有头衔、军衔和勋章均已恢复,这意味着此前对她的所有指控都不属实。

① 句子结构分析

king maha vajiralongkorn of thailand(主语)is welcoming(谓语) his consort(宾语)back into the royal household(状语), a surprise move(同位语)that comes(定语从句)as the country is in the throes of an unprecedented protest movement(时间状语从句) calling for reforms to both government and the monarchy(定语,修饰 protest movement).

the thai royal household(主语)said(谓语)in an official notice(状语) that all titles, military ranks and decorations(从句主语) were returned(谓语) to sineenat wongvajirapakdi(to的宾语) after she was found "untainted,"(时间状语从句)implying that she was innocent of previous accusations(状语).

② 写作表达


in the throes of可以在写作或翻译中代替in trouble,表示处于……困境中、在……的挣扎中。例如:the country was in the throes of revolutionary change.国家正处于革命动荡中。 

unprecedented在作文里也是加分词,表示“前所未有的”、“史无前例的”,可以替代it has never happened before这一句话。例如:the mission has been hailed as an unprecedented success. 这次使命已被宣布为一次空前的成功。 

innocent 在原文表示清白的、无辜的。例如:he was sure that the man was innocent of any crime.他确信此人是清白无罪的。 

无恶意的”义项(熟词僻义)。我们这里来了解一下:innocent表示“无恶意的”时候,英文释义为:an innocent question, remark, or comment is not intended to offend or upset people, even if it does so.例:it was probably an innocent question, but michael got flustered anyway.那也许是个没有恶意的问题,但迈克尔还是变得紧张不安。

③ 翻译技巧


中文习惯先出状语,再出主句,而英文则相反,喜欢先出主句,再出状语。翻译时我们要注意中英文之间的差别。比如原文as引导的时间状语从句建议放到句首翻译,再翻译主句king maha vajiralongkorn of thailand is welcoming his consort back into the royal household④ 生词解析


consort ['kɒnsɔːt] 用作名词,表示the ruling monarch's wife or husband is called their consort. 在位君主的配偶 

protest [prəˈtɛst] 用作名词,表示a protest is the act of saying or showing publicly that you object to something. 抗议例:the mexican president cancelled a trip to texas in protest at the state's execution of a mexican national.墨西哥总统取消了得克萨斯之行,以抗议该州对一名墨西哥侨民的处决。

[ˈmɒnəkɪ] 用作名词,表示a monarchy is a system in which a country has a monarch. 君主制例:...a serious debate on the future of the monarchy.…一场有关君主制未来的重大辩论。


untainted [ʌnˈteɪntɪd] 用作形容词,表示not tarnished, contaminated, or polluted 未玷污的; 未污染的例:but it is hardly untainted by barbaric western ideas about management.按照西方管理理论,它并不是完美无瑕的。

she was accused nearly a year ago of trying to

usurp power and prestige from the queen. sineenat, 35, had previously attempted to obstruct the king's wife, queen suthida vajiralongkorn na ayudhya from being crowned, and had asked to be appointed to the role instead, a royal notice at the time said.在大约一年前,她曾被指控涉嫌谋权篡位。当时的一份皇室通知称,现年35岁的诗妮娜曾试图阻挠王后苏提达·哇集拉隆功加冕,并要求国王将其封为王后。


it is regarded as if she was not stripped of her royal status, her royal military position and military rank and all her royal decorations were never recalled before," the latest announcement read.而最新的公告中写道:“人们可视其未曾被剥夺王室封号、军队职位、军衔及各级王室勋章。”

① 句子结构分析:

a. she(主语)was accused(动词被动式)nearly a year ago(时间状语)of trying to usurp power and prestige from the queen(主语补足语)(动词被动式 主补构成谓语成分). sineenat(主语), 35(定语,修饰主语), had previously attempted(谓语)to obstruct the king's wife(宾语), queen suthida vajiralongkorn na ayudhya(the king's wife)(同位语)from being crowned(宾补), and had asked(谓语)to be appointed to the role instead(宾语), a royal notice(主语) at the time(定语) said(谓语).

b. "it(主语)is regarded(谓语)as if she was not stripped of her royal status, her royal military position and military rank(as if引导的条件状语从句)and all her royal decorations(并列主语)were never recalled(并列谓语)before(时间状语)," the latest announcement(主语)read(谓语).

② 写作句型:



it is regarded that...表示人们认为……,我们在写作时可以代替we think等常见说法。例如:in america, the custom has become institutionalized: it is regarded as part of the accepted cost of a service.在美国,这种习俗已经制度化:人们把它看成是一项服务的认可价格的一部分。③生词解析:


usurp [juːˈzɜːp] 用作动词,表示if you say that someone usurps a job, role, title, or position, they take it from someone when they have no right to do this. 篡夺; 夺取例:did she usurp his place in his mother's heart?她夺取了他在他母亲心目中的地位吗?

prestige [prɛˈstiːʒ] 用作名词,表示if a person, a country, or an organization has prestige, they are admired and respected because of the position they hold or the things they have achieved. 威望例:...efforts to build up the prestige of the united nations.…为树立联合国威望而做的努力。

obstruct[əbˈstrʌkt] 用作动词,表示to obstruct someone or something means to make it difficult for them to move forward by blocking their path. 阻拦例:a number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct trucks loaded with logs.许多当地人因试图阻拦装有原木的卡车被逮捕了。


strip [strɪp] 用作动词,表示to strip someone of their property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them. 剥夺;撤销 (头衔)例:the soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document.那些士兵们已经夺走了市民的护照以及所有其他证件。


sineenat is the first royal consort in nearly a century. she was a former army nurse who served in the king's royal bodyguard unit, and held the military ranking of major general. she spent time in the military undertaking courses in jungle warfare and piloting, according to state broadcaster thai pbs.诗妮娜是泰国近一个世纪以来的首位王室贵妃。她曾是一名陆军护士,曾在国王的皇家卫队服役,拥有少将军衔。据泰国国家广播公司报道,她曾在军队学习丛林战和驾驶课程。

① 句子结构分析:

sineenat(主语)is(系动词)the first royal consort(宾语)in nearly a century(状语). she(主语) was(系动词) a former army nurse(表语)who served in the king's royal bodyguard unit(who引导的定语从句,修饰a former army nurse), and held(并列谓语)the military ranking of major general(并列宾语,其中of短语作修饰成分). she(主语)spent(谓语)time(宾语)in the military (in的宾语)undertaking courses in jungle warfare and piloting(现在分词短语作后置定语), according to state broadcaster thai pbs(状语).

③ 生词解析:

undertake [ʌndə'teɪk] 用作动词,表示when you undertake a task or job, you start doing it and accept responsibility for it. 从事; 承担例:she undertook the task of monitoring the elections.她承担了监督选举的任务。







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