一只柯基宠物狗被扑杀 | 纽约时报 -k8凯发天生赢家











a video of decontamination workers 

clubbing a pet corgi stirs anger in china


a local government in eastern china said it had reassigned decontamination workers and called on them to apologize after they entered a quarantined resident’s apartment and beat a pet corgi with a metal rod, triggering anger online



video of the incident, from a home security camera, circulated widely on chinese social media on saturday. it showed two workers in white hazmat suits pursuing the dog in an unoccupied apartment. it yelps as one worker swings at it with a metal bar. then it is briefly caught in the legs of a table as it flees to another room off camera.



  • 本段语言知识点积累

circulated widely广泛传播,疯传。circulate是动词,表示流传; 传播; 散布: information, facts, ideas etc circulate, they become known by many people,举个例子:•rumours began circulating that the prime minister was seriously ill.开始有谣言在传,说首相病情严重。

外刊还很常用的一个短语为“go viral”,viral字面意思是病毒的,病毒具有传染性,整个短语经常用来表示某样东西受到广泛关注

unoccupied/ʌn'ɒkjʊpaɪd/ 〔座位、房屋、房间等〕未被占用的,空着的a seat, house, room etc that is unoccupied has no one in it,举个例子:the house was unoccupied at the time of the explosion.爆炸发生的时候房子里没有人。



the dog’s death was not shown, but state media reports later said it had been culled. the vague wording of the xinzhou district government’s statement saturday, which said workers had “decontaminated” the animal though there was no indication it had been infected with the coronavirus, helped fuel the outcry.



the pet’s owner or owners could not be reached for comment. according to an account on the twitter-like platform weibo that first shared the video, the owners had been sent to hotel quarantine along with other residents of their neighborhood in the city of shangrao, in jiangxi province. jiangxi is experiencing a small-scale coronavirus outbreak, with more than 70 cases reported since the end of last month.



quarantined residents were asked to leave their apartments so local government workers could disinfect them. but unlike in other chinese cities, which allowed owners to take pets into quarantine or even arranged boarding, no preparations for animals appear to have been made.



it was unclear why the dog was killed. in other parts of china, a small number of animals have been killed as part of the pandemic response, including three cats that were euthanized in the northern city of harbin in september after they were found to be infected with the coronavirus.




“this kind of behavior is really chilling,” zhang junyang, a film director, wrote on weibo.



  • 本段语言知识点积累

disinfect动词,表示…消毒或杀菌;if you disinfect something, you clean it using a substance that kills germs. 比如说:•disinfect the area thoroughly.把这个区域彻底消毒。


euthanize /'juθənaɪz/v. 施行无痛致死术,使安乐死,to kill an animal in a painless way, usually because it is very sick or old;【近义词】put down,举个例子:•the decision to euthanase a pet is heartbreaking.对宠物施行安乐死的决定令人心碎。


chilling /'tʃɪlɪŋ/ 令人毛骨悚然的,令人害怕的:something that is chilling makes you feel frightened, especially because it is cruel, violent, or dangerous,举个例子:•it was chillingly clear that he wanted revenge.让人害怕的是,他显然想报复。



“in the current epidemic situation, the grass roots personnel are indeed working very hard,” he added. “but why can’t we have a little warmth when dealing with domestic pets? why can’t it be more humane?”




via 英语书架

最后编辑于:2021/11/17 拔丝英语网


