

i must leave at six today. 我今天必须六点钟离开。

i must write a letter to the head teacher. 我非得给校长写封信不可。(强烈意图)

you must go and see that film——you'd really enjoy it. 你得去看看那部电影,你会真的喜欢它的。(提建议)


the light is still on, so he must be at home. 灯还是亮的,他一定在家。

the light was out. they must have gone to bed. 灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。

注意:1. must表示推测时的否定式是can't或couldn't(不可能) ,因为must只用于肯定句,语气很强。2. 若对过去情况的推测用must have加过去分词。


if you must go, at least wait till the rain stops. 如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。

the machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候机器偏偏坏了。


all men must die. 人总有一死。

must与have to的比较

must与have to都可以表示“必须”,其区别如下:

(1) must 强调主观上认为“必须”做某事,而have to 强调客观上要求“不得不”做某事。如:

you have to wear uniform on duty, don't you?你在值班时必须穿制服,是吗?

(2) have to较must有更多的时态,如过去式和将来时就要用had to与will have to。

yesterday morning i have to call on a friend. 昨天早上我必须要去探访一个朋友。(不用must)


yesterday morning i told my father that i must call on a friend. 昨天早上我告诉父亲,我必须要探访一个朋友。

(3) have to有非谓语形式,但must没有。如:

i hate having to get up so early. 我讨厌这第早就得起床。

(4) 在回答must引起的问句时,如果是否定的答复,可用don't have to或needn't(不必) ,但不能用mustn't(一定不,必须不,不允许,不得) 。如:

—must i clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫餐厅吗?

—yes, you must. 是的,你必须马上打扫。

—no, you don't have to (=needn't) . 不必啦。

you mustn't smoke in the office. 你不得在办公室抽烟。

最后编辑于:2018/4/8 拔丝英语网


