双探 double trap 里的英语-k8凯发天生赢家

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2. 学习要点


1. 第一部分概述事件

2. 第二部分进行具体阐释

3. 第三部分指出成就原因所在




playing roles such as soldiers and policemen, chinese actor duan yihong, 48, has always been seen as the symbol of a "tough guy" in china. his most recent role in the new tv drama double tap, which debuted thursday, is sure to only deepen this impression.


playing roles such as soldiers and policemen, chinese actor duan yihong, 48, has always been seen as the symbol of a "tough guy" in china. his most recent role in the new tv drama double tap, which debuted thursday, is sure to only deepen this impression.

[ˈdeɪbjuː] 用作动词,表示the debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.「首次登台
例:she made her debut in a 1937 production of "hamlet."她在1937年《哈姆雷特》的演出中首次登台。
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deepen [ˈdiːpən] 用作动词,表示if you deepen your knowledge or understanding of a subject, you learn more about it and become more interested in it.「使加深
例:the course is an exciting opportunity for anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of themselves and other people.这门课程对于希望加深了解自己和他人的人们来说,是个令人兴奋的机会。
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in an interview with the global times on wednesday, duan talked about the creative environment in the chinese mainland tv industry and some recent hot issues, including the authority's ban on "feminine" men and how to maintain a healthy relationship with fans.


the 16-episode series, streaming on video platform tencent video, follows beijing policeman li huiyan (duan) as he investigates a kidnapping of a primary school student in a small town in northeast china, where he meets zhou you, played by chinese actor da peng, and becomes involved in a feud spanning 30 years.

这部16集的剧集在视频平台腾讯视频上播放,讲述了北京刑警李慧炎(段奕宏 饰)追查小学生绑架案的故事,在那里他遇到了周游(大鹏 饰),并意外卷入一宗横跨近30年的恩怨纠葛。


① in an interview with the global times on wednesday, duan talked about the creative environment in the chinese mainland tv industry and some recent hot issues, including the authority's ban on "feminine" men and how to maintain a healthy relationship with fans.

[ˈfɛmɪnɪn] 用作形容词,表示feminine qualities and things relate to or are considered typical of women, in contrast to men.「女性的
例:...male leaders worrying about their women abandoning traditional feminine roles.…担心他们的女人会抛弃传统女性角色的男性领导人。
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② the 16-episode series, streaming on video platform tencent video, follows beijing policeman li huiyan (duan) as he investigates a kidnapping of a primary school student in a small town in northeast china, where he meets zhou you, played by chinese actor da peng, and becomes involved in a

feud spanning 30 years.
这部16集的剧集在视频平台腾讯视频上播放,讲述了北京刑警李慧炎(段奕宏 饰)追查小学生绑架案的故事,在那里他遇到了周游(大鹏 饰),并意外卷入一宗横跨近30年的恩怨纠葛。

feud [fjuːd] 用作名词,表示a feud is a quarrel in which two people or groups remain angry with each other for a long time, although they are not always fighting or arguing.「积怨
例:...a long and bitter feud between the state government and the villagers.…该州政府和村民们之间的一个长期积怨。
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span [spæn] 用作动词,表示if something spans a long period of time, it lasts throughout that period of time or relates to that whole period of time.「持续
例:his professional career spanned 16 years.他的职业生涯持续了16年。
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包括」除了可以用include,还可以用span表示。例:bernstein's compositions spanned all aspects of music, from symphonies to musicals.伯恩斯坦创作的乐曲包括了音乐的所有方面,从交响乐到音乐剧。 



he told the global times that he didn't want to create something similar to his previous works, even though they had been hits with audiences, and so he and his team sought to strike a balance between audiences preferences and artistic presentation while producing the series.


the series has been getting positive reviews from audiences, mostly for what reviewers are calling a "stunning" performance by duan.



he told the global times that he didn't want to create something similar to his previous works, even though they had been hits with audiences, and so he and his team
sought to strike a balance between audiences preferences and artistic presentation while producing the series.

seek [siːk] 用作动词,表示if you seek to do something, you try to do it.「力图; 设法
例:he also denied that he would seek to annex the country.他还否认了他企图并吞该国。
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[straɪk] 用作动词,表示if you strike a balance, you do something that is halfway between two extremes.「找到 (某种平衡)
例:at times like that you have to strike a balance between sleep and homework.在那样的时候,你得在睡眠和家庭作业之间找到一种平衡。

② the series has been getting positive reviews from audiences, mostly for what reviewers are calling a "stunning" performance by duan.

[ˈstʌnɪŋ] 用作形容词,表示a stunning event is extremely unusual or unexpected.「人震惊的
例:he resigned last night after a stunning defeat in sunday's vote.在周日的选举惨败之后,他于昨晚辞职了。




2. “包括”的英文如何表示呢?
3. “达到一种平衡”的英文如何表达?
4. “令人震惊的”英文怎么说呢?


最后编辑于:2021/9/14 拔丝英语网


