劣迹艺人?| 英语外刊精读 -k8凯发天生赢家

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中国在线百科全书《头条百科》最近推出了一个新标签,即“劣迹艺人”,用于记录个人历史中有不当行为的艺人。今天我们来了解一下具体内容。原文来自global times




2. 学习要点


1. 第一部分概述事件

2. 第二部分介绍具体事件

3. 第三部分指出事件意义




toutiao baike, a chinese online encyclopedia has recently introduced a new tag, lieji yiren or "tainted entertainer," for use on entries about entertainers who have incidents of misconduct in their personal history.


toutiao baike, a chinese online encyclopedia has recently introduced a new tag, lieji yiren or "tainted entertainer," for use on entries about entertainers who have incidents of misconduct in their personal history.

encyclopedia [ɛnˌsaɪkləʊˈpiːdɪə] 用作名词,表示an encyclopedia is a book or set of books in which facts about many different subjects or about one particular subject are arranged for reference, usually in alphabetical order.「百科全书



such "misconduct" mainly refers to illegal behavior such as drug use, rape and tax evasion, but also includes a personal lifestyle that has been deemed a bad social influence.


celebrities whose articles have been hit with the tag include chinese-canadian singer kris wu, who was arrested by beijing police in early august on rape charges, and famous chinese actress zheng shuang, whose career in china was almost completely destroyed after she was fined 299 million yuan ($46 million) for tax fraud in august. prior to the tax fraud case, zheng had landed in hot water for having surrogate children in the us with zhang heng, who accused her of abandoning them.


besides these two celebrities, whose scandals are seen as the most notorious of 2021, once shining star fan bingbing was also hit with the tag. in 2018, the once globally popular chinese actress was involved in a tax scandal that saw her pay 833 million yuan in fines.



① celebrities whose articles have been hit with the tag include chinese-canadian singer kris wu, who was arrested by beijing police in early august on rape charges, and famous chinese actress zheng shuang, whose career in china was almost completely destroyed after she was fined 299 million yuan ($46 million) for tax fraud in august. prior to the tax fraud case, zheng had landed in hot water for having surrogate children in the us with zhang heng, who accused her of abandoning them.

rape [reɪp] 用作名词,表示rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex.「强奸
例:almost 90 percent of all rapes and violent assaults went unreported.几乎百分之九十的强奸和暴力攻击都没有报警。


fraud [frɔːd] 用作名词,表示fraud is the crime of gaining money or financial benefits by a trick or by lying.「诈骗罪
例:he was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因诈骗与欺诈被监禁了两年。


surrogate [ˈsʌrəɡɪt] 用作形容词,表示you use surrogate to describe a person or thing that is given a particular role because the person or thing that should have the role is not available.「替代的
例:martin had become howard cosell's surrogate son.马丁已成为霍华德马考塞尔的代子了。

② besides these two celebrities, whose scandals are seen as the most

notorious of 2021, once shining star fan bingbing was also hit with the tag. in 2018, the once globally popular chinese actress was involved in a tax scandal that saw her pay 833 million yuan in fines.

notorious [nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs] 用作形容词,表示to be notorious means to be well known for something bad.「声名狼藉的
例:...an area notorious for drugs, crime and violence.…一个因毒品、犯罪和暴力而声名狼藉的地区。




toutiao baike's tag shows solidarity with the notice issued by the publicity department of the communist party of china recently on strengthening regulation of the cultural and entertainment fields. the notice highlighted issues such as deliberately promoting vulgar information, distorting fandom and managing "tainted entertainers."




toutiao baike's tag shows solidarity with the notice issued by the publicity department of the communist party of china recently on strengthening regulation of the cultural and entertainment fields. the notice highlighted issues such as deliberately promoting
vulgar information, distorting fandom and managing "tainted entertainers."

[ˈvʌlɡə] 用作形容词,表示if you describe pictures, gestures, or remarks as vulgar, you dislike them because they refer to sex or parts of the body in an offensive way that you find unpleasant.「低俗的;下流的
例:the women laughed coarsely at the comedian's vulgar jokes.那些女人们听到滑稽演员的下流笑话后都放荡地大笑起来。


fandom ['fændəm] 用作名词,表示the fans of a sport or famous person「影迷 



1. “替代的”英文如何表示呢?
2. “声名狼藉的”英文如何表示呢?
3. “低俗的”英文可以如何表达?
4. “影迷”的英文怎么说呢?

最后编辑于:2021/12/19 拔丝英语网


